Incase data size is small, R has many packages and functions which can be utilized as per your requirement.
write.xlsx, write.xlsx2, XLconnect also do the work but these are sometimes slow as compare to openxlsx.
So, if you are dealing with the large data sets and came across java errors. I would suggest to have a look of "openxlsx" which is really awesome and reduce the time to 1/12th.
I've tested all and finally i was really impressed with the performance of openxlsx capabilities.
Here are the steps for writing multiple datasets into multiple sheets.
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Creating large data frame
x <-,200000,20))
y <-,200000,20))
z <-,200000,20))
# Creating a workbook
wb <- createWorkbook("Example.xlsx")
Sys.setenv("R_ZIPCMD" = "C:/Rtools/bin/zip.exe") ## path to zip.exe
Sys.setenv("R_ZIPCMD" = "C:/Rtools/bin/zip.exe") has to be static as it takes reference of some utility from Rtools.
Note: Incase Rtools is not installed on your system, please install it first for smooth experience. here is the link for your reference: (choose appropriate version)
check the options as per link below (need to select all the check box while installation)
# Adding a worksheets : parameters for addWorksheet are 1. Workbook Name 2. Sheet Name
addWorksheet(wb, "Sheet 1")
addWorksheet(wb, "Sheet 2")
addWorksheet(wb, "Sheet 3")
# Writing data in to respetive sheets: parameters for writeData are 1. Workbook Name 2. Sheet index/ sheet name 3. dataframe name
writeData(wb, 1, x)
# incase you would like to write sheet with filter available for ease of access you can pass the parameter withFilter = TRUE in writeData function.
writeData(wb, 2, x = y, withFilter = TRUE)
## Similarly writeDataTable is another way for representing your data with table formatting:
writeDataTable(wb, 3, z)
saveWorkbook(wb, file = "Example.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
end.time <- Sys.time()
time.taken <- end.time - start.time
openxlsx package is really good for reading and writing huge data from/ in excel files and has lots of options for custom formatting within excel.
The interesting fact is that we dont have to bother about java heap memory here.
function, which allows you to create new sheets, and then write to them, in a loop. Additionally, the equivalent functions in XLConnect are vectorized, allowing for writing a list of data frames to multiple sheets.