I'm using something simpler than the sample code on the pyplot tutorial website:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
but when I run it, I get the error:
TypeError: Couldn't find foreign struct converter for 'cairo.Context'
I'm on Python 3.4.2, and have a fresh install of matplotlib, cairocfft>0.6, numpy>=1.6 from pip.
I tried uninstalling cairocfft and grabbing python-cairo
from the Arch repositories, but now I have the error:
NotImplementedError: Surface.create_for_data: Not Implemented yet.
Is there a way to draw a basic line graph without installing many libraries? I'm not enthusiastic on installing pyqt4, as this blogpost recommends. This github issue suggests installing gi-cairo, but gi-cairo is not on the Arch repositories, nor could I find it on PyPI (my own search fail?)
I remember this being a breeze on Python2, but have migrated to Python3 now.
is installed.