Everything I search is based on the old UI.

I've tried the following

button.image = Resource.Load<Image>("...");
button.GetComponent<Image>() = Resources.Load<Image>("....");
button.GetComponent<Button>().image = Resources.Load<Image>("....");
button.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("....");

I want to change the button image on an event.

2 Answers 2


Tested and Working.

public Sprite myImage;
public Button myBtn;
void Start(){

         myImage = Resources.Load<Sprite>("BTNS"); // Make sure not to include the file extension

         //Make sure it is added in the Inspector. Or reference it using GameObject.Find.
         myBtn.image.sprite = myImage; // That is right, no need to GetComponent.


Also you can use the properties of Button Component


Specifically you can set the button's behavior based on events.


Empty properties

And then :

Button with sprite swap behavior on events

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