I'm working with an existing XML document which has a structure (in part) like so:

        <Name> Bob </Name>
        <ID> 1 </ID>
        <Name> Larry </Name>

I'm using LINQ to XML to query the XDocument to retrieve all these entries as follows:

var items = from g in xDocument.Root.Descendants("Group").Elements("Entry")
    select new
        name = (string)g.element("Name").Value,
        id = g.Elements("ID").Count() > 0 ? (string)g.Element("ID").Value : "none"

The "ID" elements aren't always there and so my solution to this was the Count() jazz above. But I'm wondering if someone has a better way to do this. I'm still getting comfortable with this new stuff and I suspect that there may be a better way to do this than how I'm currently doing it.

Is there a better/more preferred way to do what I want?

3 Answers 3


XElement actually has interesting explicit conversion operators that do the right thing in this case.

So, you rarely actually need to access the .Value property.

This is all you need for your projection:

var items =
    from g in xDocument.Root.Descendants("Group").Elements("Entry")
    select new
        name = (string) g.Element("Name"),
        id = (string) g.Element("ID") ?? "none",

And if you'd prefer to use the value of ID as an integer in your anonymous type:

var items =
    from g in xDocument.Root.Descendants("Group").Elements("Entry")
    select new
        name = (string) g.Element("Name"),
        id = (int?) g.Element("ID"),

In a similar situation I used an extension method:

    public static string OptionalElement(this XElement actionElement, string elementName)
        var element = actionElement.Element(elementName);
        return (element != null) ? element.Value : null;


    id = g.OptionalElement("ID") ?? "none"
  • ValueOrDefault(this XElement actionElement, string elementName, string defaultValue) would be even tidier.
    – user1228
    Nov 10, 2008 at 16:28
  • 2
    It's actually totally unnecessary. The explicit string conversion operator already does this: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb155263.aspx Nov 10, 2008 at 17:14

How about:

var items = from g in xDocument.Root.Descendants("Group").Elements("Entry")
            let idEl = g.Element("ID")
            select new
                name = (string)g.element("Name").Value,
                id = idEl == null ? "none" : idEl.Value;

if this barfs, then FirstOrDefault() etc might be useful, else just use an extension method (as already suggested).


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