In Laravel 4.2 I have a model called Product with many-to-many relationshis to other models like Country or Category. I want to filter out products that are "incomplete", which means they have no connected countries or no connected categories. I can use whereDoesntHave() method to filter out one relation. When I use it two times in one query it creates AND condition, but I need OR. I can't find orWhereDoesntHave() method in API documentation. I can't pass multiple relations as arguments because it expects first argument to be a string.

I need something like this: $products = Product::whereDoesntHave('categories')->orWhereDoesntHave('countries')->get();

Is there any way to achive whereDoesntHave() with multiple OR conditions?

4 Answers 4


You can use doesntHave and specify the boolean operator:

$products = Product::doesntHave('categories')->doesntHave('countries', 'or')->get();

Actually you only need whereDoesntHave if you want to pass in a closure to filter the related models before checking if any of them exist. In case you want to do that you can pass the closure as third argument:

$products = Product::doesntHave('categories', 'or', function($q){
    $q->where('active', false);
})->doesntHave('countries', 'or')->get();
  • 1
    Thanks, I missed doesntHave() while reading API. Your first code example is just what I need.
    – KazikM
    Commented Jan 21, 2015 at 13:33

Since Laravel 5.5 there is an orWhereDoesntHave function.

You may use it like this

Product::whereDoesntHave('categories', function($q){ //... })
       ->orWhereDoesntHave('countries', function($q){//...})

From you example it seems that you are not using a where clause, so you may just use



Product::whereDoesntHave('categories')->doesntHave('countries', 'or')->get();

Laravel Source Code:

whereDoesntHave https://github.com/illuminate/database/blob/master/Eloquent/Builder.php#L654 calls https://github.com/illuminate/database/blob/master/Eloquent/Builder.php#L628 internally.

  • Thanks, looks like I missed doesntHave() method and its second parameter.
    – KazikM
    Commented Jan 21, 2015 at 13:32

Let’s say we have Authors and Books, with 1-n relationship – one Author can have one or many Books. Here’s how it looks in app\Author.php:

 public function books()
        return $this->hasMany(\App\Book::class, 'author_id');

Now, what if we want to show only those Authors that have at least one book? Simple, there’s method has():

$authors = Author::has('books')->get();

Similarly, there’s an opposite method – what if we want to query only the authors without any books? Use doesnthave():

  $authors = Author::doesnthave('books')->get();

It’s not only convenient, but also super-easy to read and understand, even if you’re not a Laravel developer, right?

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