
I have a SSIS package which is trying to read data from a text file. The issue I am facing is that the text file doesn't have very straight forward data as in it has special characters which are creating trouble

For Example, right after the header row, there's a row full of hyphens, something like -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This SSIS is reading as the first value of the first column beacause of which it fails. How do I get rid of this, without actually removing the row from the file itself?

Also, in later part of the file as well, there are some unwanted rows which I would like to ignore, the format of the file is something like this :



Random Rows

Same header row as above


and so on.....

I would like to know if there's a way to handle this with script task or any other way before or while the 'Flat File source' task gets executed, without actually making changes in the original file.

1 Answer 1


I don't know of anyway to filter these rows on input using the Flat File Source component, but you can definitely do some filtering if you read the file in with a Script Component.

If you add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic, you can use the below function to read your CSV into a datatable:

public static DataTable ReadInDataFromCSV(string fileName, string delimiter)
    DataTable dtOutput = new DataTable();
    //How many lines to read in.  0 for unlimited
    int numberOfLines = 0;

    using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(fileName))
        parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;
        //Are column names in first row?
        bool columnNamesInFirstRow = true;
        int rowCounter = 0;
        string[] currentRow;
        while (!parser.EndOfData && rowCounter <= numberOfLines)
                currentRow = parser.ReadFields();
                Add some kind of logic here to skip over rows you don't
                want to read in

                if (columnNamesInFirstRow == true)
                    foreach (string column in currentRow)
                    columnNamesInFirstRow = false;
                    DataRow dr;
                    dr = dtOutput.NewRow();
                    dr.ItemArray = currentRow;
                    columnNamesInFirstRow = false;
            catch (Exception e)

            rowCounter += (numberOfLines == 0) ? 0 : 1;

    return dtOutput;

By default, the above code will read a flat file into a DataTable by calling something like:

DataTable myInputData = ReadInDataFromCSV(@"Path to file",",")

If you modify the commend I added inside the try/catch, you can filter out the rows you aren't interested in. For example, to skip the rows with hypens, you can add a simple check like:

if (currentRow.IndexOf("-----") > 0)
    //If/else statement from the original code that adds the data to a DataRow and then adds it to the DataTable

Then you can simply add more similar checks to include/not include certain rows in your file. Good luck!

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