Can anyone know if there is any automated way to add multiple breakpoints in XCode at the same time. In my case I want to add breakpoints in all -viewDidLoad or -tableView:didSelecRowAtIndexPath: methods by few clicks not using cmd+shift+Fshortcut and set in in all (tens or even hundreds occurences).

1 Answer 1


Using lldb

To break on any source code line in current file matching regex:

br se -p 'viewDidLoad'

Use -f to specify multiple files:

br se -f Foo.m -f Bar.m -f Baz.m -p 'viewDidLoad'

To break on methods or functions in all files matching regex:

br se -r 'view(Did|Will)Appear'

For more info, type help breakpoint set into the lldb console at the bottom of Xcode. Hope that helps.

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