Why parsley don't validate each field (on losing focus for example) while I call $('#myForm').validate();?

Validation of field on losing focus starts to work only after I validate the whole form.

In javascript I set parsley to my form in that way:

formObject.parsley({trigger: 'change'});

No attributes are set to my form in html. No attributes except validation rule attributes are set to form fields. Setting data-parsley-trigger="change" to form fields don't help.

2 Answers 2


Parsley uses a threshold before which validation is triggered and by default its 3 characters.

See official documentation - http://parsleyjs.org/doc/index.html

Validation threshold #2.0
Used with trigger option above, for all key- events, do not validate until field have a certain number of characters. Default is 3

So can you please try entering 3+ characters and change focus to check if its performing the validation correctly?

  • Thanks for the answer! But no, it doesn't help(
    – Roman
    Feb 11, 2015 at 12:35

Late response...


Additionally, the Trigger event supports these jQuery events.

Official documentation

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