How can I use wpflocalizeextension in C# code? In xaml, for getting a localized string I can use it as follows:

<Window x:Class="SomeClass"
   <Button Content="{lex:Loc SignInBtn}"/>

How can I get a localized string in code, for example MessageBox.Show("SignInBtn");?

  • Welcome to SO. Please take a moment and read this topic to get informed whether you should use tags in titles or not. I'd recommend to read all of these topics too.
    – dymanoid
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 8:50

4 Answers 4


This is pretty simple. The localization keys are stored as AssemblyName:Resources:KeyName, where Resources is the Resources class name, typically you won't change it to something other.

You can create a simple wrapper to get localized values:

using WPFLocalizeExtension.Extensions;

public static class LocalizationProvider
    public static T GetLocalizedValue<T>(string key)
        return LocExtension.GetLocalizedValue<T>(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Name + ":Resources:" + key);

So assuming you have created your string resource with the "SignInBtn" key, you can just call:

  • But you loose support for strong typed MyProject.Properties.Resources.SignInBtn access.
    – xmedeko
    Commented May 21, 2015 at 7:44
  • 3
    You should change the Resources to the file name of the resource file you use. For example Strings which is used in the examples. Commented May 2, 2016 at 8:14
  • GetCallingAssembly can produce for you unwelcome results if u don't take care stackoverflow.com/a/12912473/7429464 Commented Nov 29, 2017 at 13:27

I regularly use the following native command and have not encountered any errors yet:

LocalizeDictionary.Instance.GetLocalizedObject("keyComesHere", null, LocalizeDictionary.Instance.Culture).ToString()

Of course, before casting to string, you should check for null values.

  • 1
    Passing null results in a NullReferenceException
    – user585968
    Commented Aug 7, 2018 at 5:04

mcy's answer worked somehow at first, but later I was getting nulls.

I would prefer to use the 3rd overload to make sure I get the right resource:

LocalizeDictionary.Instance.GetLocalizedObject("AssemblyName", "DictionaryName", "Key", LocalizeDictionary.Instance.Culture);

use it simply


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