
There's been a cluster of Perl-hate on Stack Overflow lately, so I thought I'd bring my "Five things you hate about your favorite language" question to Stack Overflow. Take your favorite language and tell me five things you hate about it. Those might be things that just annoy you, admitted design flaws, recognized performance problems, or any other category. You just have to hate it, and it has to be your favorite language.

Don't compare it to another language, and don't talk about languages that you already hate. Don't talk about the things you like in your favorite language. I just want to hear the things that you hate but tolerate so you can use all of the other stuff, and I want to hear it about the language you wished other people would use.

I ask this whenever someone tries to push their favorite language on me, and sometimes as an interview question. If someone can't find five things to hate about his favorite tool, he doesn't know it well enough to either advocate it or pull in the big dollars using it. He hasn't used it in enough different situations to fully explore it. He's advocating it as a culture or religion, which means that if I don't choose his favorite technology, I'm wrong.

I don't care that much which language you use. Don't want to use a particular language? Then don't. You go through due diligence to make an informed choice and still don't use it? Fine. Sometimes the right answer is "You have a strong programming team with good practices and a lot of experience in Bar. Changing to Foo would be stupid."

This is a good question for code reviews too. People who really know a codebase will have all sorts of suggestions for it, and those who don't know it so well have non-specific complaints. I ask things like "If you could start over on this project, what would you do differently?" In this fantasy land, users and programmers get to complain about anything and everything they don't like. "I want a better interface", "I want to separate the model from the view", "I'd use this module instead of this other one", "I'd rename this set of methods", or whatever they really don't like about the current situation. That's how I get a handle on how much a particular developer knows about the codebase. It's also a clue about how much of the programmer's ego is tied up in what he's telling me.

Hate isn't the only dimension of figuring out how much people know, but I've found it to be a pretty good one. The things that they hate also give me a clue how well they are thinking about the subject.

  • 11
    This is a really nice spin on the old "your favorite language" question. Good justification.
    – Tom Leys
    Nov 11, 2008 at 23:03
  • 14
    I find it interesting that despite SO having a large .NET audience, at the time of this writing there are 24 answers, only one of which (mine) is about .NET or a .NET language. I have no idea what this says about SO or .NET, but it's interesting...
    – Jon Skeet
    Nov 11, 2008 at 23:40
  • 22
    The first 15 years of programming with C/C++, I hated (in alphabetical order): 1. Pointers 2. Pointers 3. Pointers 4. Pointers 5. Pointers
    – ileon
    Mar 10, 2010 at 12:01
  • 4
    I wonder how many comments people made about hating their language of choice because they didn't understand how to program in their language of choice.... May 25, 2010 at 19:12
  • 3
    This is a fantastic question. If you're wondering what some language is like, reading 3 different replies about it on this page would be easily the best useful-information-for-time-spent you could find. Also a great way to gauge a programmer's experience (and humility) levels if you already know the language. Jun 1, 2010 at 13:11

182 Answers 182

3 4 5


From the ECMAScript 5 spec:

  • Future reserved words:

    class, enum, extends, super, const, export, import

    In strict mode: implements, let, private, public, interface, package, protected, static, yield

  • 11.9.4 The Strict Equals Operator (===) vs. 11.9.1 TheEqualsOperator(==)
  • 11.9.6 The Strict Equality Comparison Algorithm (NaN === NaN is false)
  • 8.5 The Number Type - No real Integers, everything is a float.
  • 4.2.1 Objects - prototypal inheritance

OK, I kinda enjoy the last one, but it's 7 kinds of confusing

  • Prototype inheritance is great but you have to know what you're doing :). JavaScript is great instrumentaion language but for implementing some logic I prefer something more type-checked and use only thinh JS layer around it. May 26, 2010 at 8:35
  • Yeah, the thing that always messes me up about it is setting the inheritance chain, but this is a sweet way to do it: closure-library.googlecode.com/svn/docs/… May 26, 2010 at 14:49
  • All those things make good sense to me... How come some people find those concepts so difficult/annoying? I love the loose and strict comparisons and using instanceof. Also having numbers as floats means they just work like real life. And prototype inheritance is my favorite feature... Having reasons in your post on why they annoy you would be nice.
    – balupton
    Aug 27, 2010 at 0:53
  • I don't see the need to defend #1. == is a superflous operator, as it does type coercion and is almost never what you want. I do think that while it's correct, having an impossible value (NaN, null, undefined) not equal another is not pragmatic. I agree that god intended numbers to be floats, but checking bounds on float math (j<i+theta && j>i-theta) to make sure that we have acceptable values for operations gets real old real fast. And the last one was a joke, but I do find it confusing (and awesome). These are all letters of love to a language I would code in almost exclusively if I could. Sep 1, 2010 at 15:59


  1. Strange scoping rules - variables, constants, and methods each behave differently from each other. The rules change also depending on which keyword you used to create a closure. Or on whether you're in a class, eigenclass, object, module, or module's self. Then there's instance_eval, which changes the rules to a different set of rules. And they change again when a module is "included" or "extended", which themselves do different things to scope. And some sets of rules can't be emulated by metaprogramming, so you have to use eval. Unless you're on ruby 1.9, where all of this is different.
  2. Namespacing is basically useless. If you have Foo::File, then the stdlib File is probably broken for all of Foo.
  3. require statement is broken. If two files require eachother, the behavior of those files can change dramatically depending on which is loaded first from elsewhere.
  4. libraries change APIs dramatically and suddenly, so you have to require specific minor revision numbers of all of your dependencies. For every single ruby application on your system.
  5. The rubygems package system overrides "require" rather than putting files in the search path - because why use a system when you can replace it?

Python 3

  • both tabs & spaces allowed for indentation
    And you'd think people learn from the past (Makefile). Just pick spaces and forbid tabs. YAML got it right.
  • lack of popular third-party libraries
    The standard library is great, but a lot of what makes Python 2 so powerful lies in the third-party realm. Python 2 got this right :-).
  • IEEE floats
    Floating points in programming languages are confusing because they're different from the way we use them in math. Instead, the number operations should be viewed as expressions that are only converted to a decimal point format when needed (i.e. printing to a screen). Maple and Mathematica did this right I think.
  • the character set for identifiers is too restricted
    list.empty? is better than list.is_empty or even len(list) != 0. Similarly, process.kill! would be better than process.kill. Ruby and lisp got this right.
  • when calling a function you must always write parentheses
    It would be nice if we could omit them in unambiguous cases. How is it again? dict.items or dict.items()? Ruby got this one right, too.


  1. No standard GUI toolkit (the community goes round and round about this but never seems to settle on anything).

  2. The evolution of tools and methods to distribute and install Python apps and libraries has been, well, rocky. (Although lately this seems to be moving closer to getting fixed.)

  3. CPython is still slow as interpreters go (although PyPy is looking pretty good these days, if it becomes the "standard" Python this problem goes away).

  4. You can't subclass built-in classes (e.g., list and dict) without overriding a lot of methods, even if all you want to do is a simple hook into an event (e.g., to hook into an item being added to or removed from the list, you need to override delitem, append, extend, insert, pop, and remove--there's no subclassable "change" event notification, nor any "protected" methods that factor out common code used by all the above methods).

  5. Up until virtualenv was invented, keeping separate Python environments for different purposes on one machine was a real pain.


Java - no support for composition on language level



  1. Very inconsistent.
  2. Graphics APIs are sometimes a pain to use
  3. NullPointerExceptions don't tell you what's null
  4. Programs I write sometimes don't work on a different JVM which is a huge pain and contradicts Java's "Write once, run anywhere" statement.
  5. Swing isn't as good as it should be.


Ones that I just don't understand ...

  • math.ceil() and math.floor() return floats, not integers (probably to avoid an integer overflow in the underlying C function - but why not cast to a Python long?)
  • len() is a function not a method
  • reload() is very limited, does not reload a module 9 times out of 10, only reloads an imported label if it is a module - i.e. cannot do from bar import foo; reload(foo) if foo is not itself a module
  • Mutable default arguments have a single reference (why not a new instance each function call?!)
  • All these underscored variables - if they are so private, how come we see inbuilt ones so much in code? Get a namespace!
  • Strings are not mutable - maybe there is a good reason for this but I have come across many situations where I would like to tweak one particular character ...

Ones that make sense based on the implementation but are annoying ...

  • array.sort() does not return an array (I suppose it happens in-place)
  • List/generator comprehensions don't define a new scope (Is just syntactic sugar for a for loop, right?)

and a couple that are fixed in Python 3

  • Integer division by default
  • global can only refer to the top level namespace
  • 2
    For #2, I believe len(instance) just calls the method instance.__len__() Feb 7, 2010 at 22:13
  • @wallacoloo Sure but in terms of syntactic sugar, __len__() should just be aliased to len()
    – Brendan
    Feb 8, 2010 at 12:13
  • I completely agree with you. I'm just saying that if you ever truly need it as a method, you can use it as a method. Feb 8, 2010 at 19:21
  • I don't really know too much python but I imagine floor and ceil return floats for the same reason C# does. Math.Floor(double.MaxValue) > int.MaxValue returns true in C#. Mar 22, 2010 at 20:18
  • In C#, that would be the case, in C too (which CPython is written in) however Python int's are automatically cast to arbitrary length 'longs' when the int limit is reached - this effectively means a Python programmer almost never has to think about integer overflow. It seems to me that the CPython is built on the C implementation of floor and ceil and the step of converting to appropriate Python variables was not implemented.
    – Brendan
    Mar 23, 2010 at 16:49


1) If Not x Is "foo" (instead of <> "foo")
2) "OrElse" and "AndAlso" short circuit (instead of simply "Or" and "And", which act differently)
3) Nothing (instead of Null)


The lack of a preprocessor in C#.

I know they left it out because some folks can abuse it, but I think they threw the baby out with the bathwater. Code generation is regarded as a good thing, and in C++ the preprocessor was my first-line code generator.

  • 1
    -1, it's essentially a bad thing. That another language has it, does not mean it is a good thing to include in C#
    – oɔɯǝɹ
    Jul 12, 2009 at 20:55
  • @oɔɯǝɹ: Bad thing? Who told you that? Professors will say anything. I was one. Just because the inventor of Java thought it was too hard to do and found a way around some of its uses, does not mean it doesn't have some really good uses. One thing these kinds of people don't tell you is how to think for yourself. Jul 13, 2009 at 12:25
  • You want C's preprocessor? It's just a simple text replacer. If anything I want real lispy macros like you can find them in Nemerle (a very C#-like language for .net as well).
    – helium
    Jan 4, 2010 at 15:34
  • 1
    @helium: no contest. Lisp macros are the best. Jan 4, 2010 at 19:40


  • No procedural coding, it compiles into procedural code, So let me Use it!
  • No multiple inheritance, trying to do the same thing with 15,000 intefaces suck.
  • Date class, do I need to say more.
  • That I cannot use polymorphism to it full extent. Java will not override with different parameter types being to trigger.
  • I cant think of a fifth reason,if I do i'm come back and edit this post.


1) It's a scripting language and not a fully compiled one (I'd prefer to be able to compile binaries—I don't care about bytecode). This is very annoying if I have to use very many libraries (i.e. everyone who uses my program has to install all the libraries, and this basically means no normal people will be able to, or have the patience to, properly set it up—unless I do a ton of work that should be unnecessary). I know ways to make binaries, but they don't always work, and I'm guessing they bundle the interpreter in the binaries anyhow (and I don't want that). Now, if I could get a bytecode compiler that would include copies of all the files that I imported (and only those) to be placed in my program's folder, that might be a suitable compromise (then no one would have to download extra libraries and such). It would also be nice if the compiled python files could be compressed into a single file with one specified as the file to run the program before this is done.

2) It seems a bit buggy at times; there have been a few times when code that was supposed to work simply did not (there were no programmer errors), particularly code relating to such as "from moduleX import *", and other import-related issues, as well as some issues pertaining to global and local variables.

3) Maximum recursion depth could be higher. There has been at least one time when I felt that I needed it to go higher.

4) No switch statement (let alone one that allows for numbers, strings and ranges)

5) The newer Python versions seem to be doing away with a lot of useful string operations, and they don't seem to have simple documentation on how to do the same things without them.

6) Forced automatic garbage collection (I'd like to be able to do it manually, although not necessarily forced to do so).

7) No pre-made Timer class without the use of a GUI (well, there might be one, but after all the searching I've done, it's sure not convenient to find! I actually did find something, but it didn't work at all when I tried it.) By a timer, I mean the sort that will execute a specified function every x seconds, with the ability to turn it off when desired, etc.

8) People in the community who give examples rarely tell what modules they imported, and how they imported them.

9) There's not a lot of support for integration with Lua.

10) There doesn't seem to be a way to add an extra function to a particular instance of a class (and not the entire class at large), unless you dynamically add an object variable to that class with the object having the needed function (but still, you have to make another class just for that).

  • for #10: if c is an instance, and f is a function, then c.newFunction = f.__get__(c) -- Just don't forget that f needs to have 1 extra argument (self) Feb 7, 2010 at 22:10
  • 3. sys.setrecursionlimit(limit) -- 4. Thank god for no switch statement! -- 5. You mean the string module? All those operations are available as methods on string objects. -- 6. gc.disable() Believe me, you don't want to do it manually. Just one session of debugging gc problems and you'll know what I mean. -- 7. +1 Though pyqt does this pretty well with QTimer. -- 8. You must not have been looking on SO. -- 9. ?? -- 10. Sounds like a terrible idea, but you can add staticmethods to instances at runtime. For bound methods, this could be done with overridden __new__, or __metaclass__.
    – user297250
    May 4, 2010 at 9:06
  • You can easily add a method to a class with Class.method = some_method. I just tested it with IronPython, and I think it works with CPython as well. Jun 1, 2010 at 13:59


5. The null-coalescing operator

The ?? operator allows you to write:

x = y ?? z;

instead of:

x = (y == null) ? y : z;

I like this operator, but I want another one:

x = y ??? y.foo() : z.foo();

instead of

x = (y == null) ? y.foo() : z.foo();

I use this kind of thing all the time, and I find it annoying to type the == null part.

4. Equals should have better support

I have having to start every Equals(object obj) method with: MyClass other = obj as MyClass; if (other == null) return false;

You should only have to write:

public override bool Equals(MyClass other) {...}

And the language should take care of providing the Equals(object obj) method.
NOTE: other should be guaranteed to not be null.

3. Cannot use ternary operator with different types

This doesn't compile, and I think it should!

string foo = "hello";
int bar = 4;
object baz = foo == null ? foo : bar;

2. Lack of namespace private

I like the internal protection, but I wish there was a protection which would only allow access from within the same exact namespace. This would be nice to better control access in large class libraries.

1. No multiple inheritance

I really only use implementation (class) inheritance for default implementations of an interface, but there are plenty of times when I want to do just that.

  • 2
    Your first one is actually easy to implement with the null coalesce operator: x = (y ?? z).foo(); I also tend to do this alot with ToString and an empty string: x = (y ?? "").ToString() Jan 7, 2010 at 13:56


  • Died long long ago
  • No simple assignment (you can't just say a := 3, you have to say put 3 into a
  • No nested functions
  • No real data structures, just strings. To make "lists", you delimit items with the itemDelimiter and escape them manually. You can also get lines and words like get word 2 of line 5 of txt

As an aside, I think one of the coolest features unique to HyperTalk is the special it variable:

ask "How many years old are you?"
answer "You are " & it*12 & " months old."


  • If you do foo.bar(1,2) then 'self' is nil inside the bar method. You must remember to do foo:bar(1,2) instead. I'd rather have that switched ('self' should be defined by default unless you use the ':' operator, or you call a function that isn't a method).
  • Variables are global by default. I'd rather ditch the 'local' keyword and have a 'global' one instead.
  • Undeclared variables are assigned the nil. I'd rather receive an error message. You can sidestep this by manipulating the global env's metatable, but I'd rather have it implemented by default and be able to deactivate it.
  • Multiple returned values on parameters are not handled very nicely. Say you have a function foo() that returns 1,2,3 (three values) and bar() returns 4,5 (two values). If you do print(foo(),bar()) you will get "1,4,5" ... only the "last" tuple is expanded on calls.
  • The # (table length) operator only works in tables indexed with continuous integers. If your table isn't like that and you want to know how many elements does it have, you need to either parse it with a loop, or update a counter each time you insert/remove an element from it.
  • You can use an environment-based function to dodge #2 by creating a function that will automatically set all new files to their own env. This doubles as a file-cache. I'm surprised you didn't add "incredibly poor CAPI" to the list.
    – Puppy
    May 4, 2010 at 9:59
  • Well, those where the 5 that bugged me the most. I don't use the C API.
    – kikito
    May 5, 2010 at 8:22
  • re 1: the problem with that is that you have one data structure for everything (including classes) and a class is just a special table. Thus, you're just calling a function in a table to lua. Though having the environment set itself to whatever you're in (instead of a global scope) on function call would be nice.
    – RCIX
    Jun 2, 2010 at 4:51
  • @RCIX: I'm sorry, I don't follow you. What does "you're just calling a function in a table to lua" mean?
    – kikito
    Jun 2, 2010 at 7:14
  • Yea, i didn't word that very well. I meant to say, "to lua, "you're just calling a function in a table"
    – RCIX
    Jun 3, 2010 at 7:46


  • Type inference sometimes doesn't behave like you would expect, so you often need to explicitly declare the type.
  • def behaves likes const in C and not final in Java
  • you can insert a value in a sequence by accessing an index >= seq.length, which should actually throw a compiler error (according to the reference).
  • if you assign null to a String, it defaults to "". If you assign null to an Integer, a compiler error is thrown (in contrast to what the reference says).
  • handles CheckedExceptions the same way as RuntimeExceptions

I just discovered I cannot use Enum as a type constraint when creating a Generic method in c#.

Microsoft has a good enough explanation as to why, but still. I'm MAD

public static T MyFunc<T>(string arg) where T:Enum //wont work :(


  • No namespaces.
  • Pseudo-private attributes / name mangling (mostly with getattr).
  • Filepath manipulation is spread across multiple modules. Stringing together os.path calls is ugly, difficult to read, and in most cases, violates DRY. Common filepath operations still don't have convenience functions, like getting a list of files in a dir. The path - type module to fix this was rejected.

([f for f in os.listdir('/file/path') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('/file/path', f))])

  • Python documentation (I'm very, very, very grateful there is documentation at all, and that it is formatted so nicely, but I hate wading through 5000 lines of quick-start usage examples to find the individual function documentation for particular modules (I'm looking at you optparse and logging)). Built-in types are documented piecemeal in nearly 10 different places.


  • Cannot create a reference (var &t = struct)
  • No local scope destructors (IDispose comes close but its not the same)
  • ToString, i almost dislike that every object has it but it turns out i dislike everything using it like string.format does. I rather have things that accepts a certain type (like ints, floats, text, chars only). So instead of passing in any object i need to pass in something with a implicit typecast or interface. I ended up writing something like this to safely escape text for html which worked great.
  • Cannot use a virtual typecast (blah)obj; does not work if obj does not inherit/has an interface of blah. Simple workaround is to supply an interface with a convert function.
  • Has no local creation. Instead of writing var o = new Item(); i would like to write (something like) Item o() (with an automatic dispose if it has one).


  • no delimiter signaling the end of blocks introduces ambiguity such that automatic indentation will not work with poorly formatted code.
  • no macros (decorators don't count)
  • no library auto-fetch like haskell's cabal, or perl's CPAN
  • can't declare variables const (yeah it's possible to role your own but ... )
  • meta-programming is nerfed
  • almost forgot the Global Interpreter Lock

I have only one but I believe it worth sharing.

CSharp / .NET

We have Length property to get number of elements in array and Count property to get number of elements in collection. It looks more stranger if you consider the fact that CLR automatically adds IList, ICollection, IEnumerable to zero-based one-dimenssonal arrays behind the scene.

I believe CLR team and BCL team had hard times discussing this subject ;)


Object Pascal:

  • There's a lot of jumping back and forth in the file you're editing since the interface and implementation are split into two parts but still jammed into the same file.
  • Dynamic indexing of arrays, strings start at 1, you specify the starting index when declaring fixed arrays and dynamically allocated arrays always start at 0.
  • Classes and objects (not to speak of interfaces) are bolted on top of the language and among other things can't be stack allocated like records can.
  • When calling functions without parameters the () are optional, leading to a lot of pain when you are dealing with function pointers or trying to refer to the result of a function using the function name.
  • Parameter lists can't handle fixed array types or function pointer types without external type definitions.

This is just the language, the sorry excuse for a standard library and flaky IDE deserve their own lists.

  • The length property is easily confused with the length() function; use size() instead
  • The syntax to interpolate variable in selector strings('" +$.month+ "') stinks
  • $(event.currentTarget) does not always work for bubbling and capturing
  • attribute syntax works ("[class='foot']") in places where selector syntax (".foot") returns nothing
  • Contains selector ([class~=done]) sometimes fails where JavaScript (this.className.search("done") > 0) works

Objective-C 2.0

Sticking strictly to the language and runtime, and not the libraries, and not in any particular order:

  1. Lack of cVars.
  2. No modules. I'm not terribly unhappy with a lack of namespaces, but modules would be nice to have.
  3. Ivar-based property syntax requires declarations using the variable name in 3 places. It's fairly hideous.
  4. C heritage. Anything to hate about the C language, except for OO and GC, is present.
  5. Objects can't live on the stack. Not a problem with Obj-C so much as what it does to programming practices in other languages. I find it strange when I get a return value on the stack in C++, for instance. If I'm not actually looking at the library documentation when I write the code, I'll assume that every function returns a pointer, which often makes for some siginificant cleanup later.


1) line continuation syntax: "...\" works, but "...\ " does not, and that trailing space is generally invisible, without unusual eol-marking by editer.
2) a bare 'raise' is invisible in the stack trace, as the stack trace looks like the previous raised exception.
3) slow
4) poor integration into web-servers (mod_python: dead, mod_wsgi: limited scope of operation). This is complicated by 3], requiring daemonization or some sort of memory-persistance to perform well.
5) overly tolerant of mixed tabs and spaces, allowing changes to control flow to sometimes remain hidden. (maybe fixed in recent versions)



  • The built-in error system is absolutely horrendous

    You can implement a try-catch system by modifying the Lua interpreter; but it has no compatibility with the errors that are thrown by the built in functions.

  • The fact they have __newindex instead of __setindex as the setter

    ... and __newindex is only fired when the key doesn't already exist. If it does, no metamethod is called at all.

  • No good type comparison system.

    There's the type() function but it only handles the basic types (all tables are tables). It really needs to have a metamethod for type comparisons. I've implemented this before with an 'is' operator and a __type metamethod and it works really nicely.

  • It's a bitch to define new keywords.

    You can do it, but the code inside Lua isn't well documented so it's kind of trial and error to find out how to get the result you want. This is a major issue when you want to implement the things I mentioned above yourself (not so much __setindex though, that's an easy modification).

  • I can't use it in a web browser.

    Yeah not really a problem with the language itself, but damn, would I love to be able to use Lua instead of Javascript... :)



  • String handling
  • Memory management (making a decision about who should allocate and who should free it)
  • No namespaces (the biggest)
  • No lists/arrays and other basic DS in standard library


  • Using a variable without var automatically makes it global
  • Semicolons are not mandatory
  • Comparison operators "==" and "===" and confusions about their usage
  • No proper support to work on binary data
  • Again.. No namespaces
  • Variables don't have block scope. (Quite irritating coming from C world)


  • slow
  • I finally got used to the print statement, and now there's this print function??? (py3k)
  • never got py2exe or cxFreeze working
  • not standardized (minor nitpicking)
  • recursion depth only 100 (iirc)
  • The default recursion limit is 1000, try: sys.getrecursionlimit(); and you can change it with: sys.setrecursionlimit(). Dec 28, 2009 at 7:59

C# 4.0

The "dynamic" keyword, ripe for abuse. If you want/need to use Reflection, use and make it obvious that you're using it, don't try and disguise it with dynamic.

  • 1
    -1: there are very valid uses for dynamic (and goto and var and break and for and if and...), plus that's not 5 things.
    – RCIX
    Jun 2, 2010 at 4:36


  • Weakly typed by default (Option Strict fixes this, but it's not on by default)
  • Does not require parentheses on methods (myFunction instead of myFunction() and so on)
  • Does use parentheses for array definition/use (myArray(12) instead of myArray[12])
  • Does not support direct incrementation (i++)
  • Does support legacy On Error keywords and the whole VB6-Namespace

Things I hate about Python:

  • there's no compiler
  • it's not taken seriously

Things that annoy me about Python:

  • (self,
  • no private
  • breaking compatibility

Five things I hate about PHP:

  • "working as intended" when it's plainly a bug
  • no goto
  • bugged references (foreach $arr => &$val ... foreach $arr => $val)
  • no multiple inheritance
  • no compiler that really works without having to sacrifice a lamb to a dark god
  • 1
    The goto thing got me amazed. Can you explain why not having it is a bad thing?
    – kikito
    May 7, 2010 at 14:49
  • 1
    goto is sometimes useful. Many people don't know how to use it, use it in a bad manner, abuse it, or blindly teach other people that goto is the Dark Lord Satan. It isn't. It's just a tool, which you have to know to use properly, that's all. Anti-goto crusaders are just retarded people that don't know how to do something hence want nobody to be able to do it.
    – o0'.
    May 7, 2010 at 15:36
  • 1
    The goto operator is available as of PHP 5.3. php.net/manual/en/control-structures.goto.php
    – nico
    May 12, 2010 at 19:00
  • What's wrong with the references. You put an "&" in there and it's a reference. Without it, it's not. Where's the problem? May 23, 2010 at 11:46
  • they are bugged: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=29992&edit=2
    – o0'.
    May 24, 2010 at 17:13
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