I adapted some code from a solution here, but it doesn't work for me when executed as a bat script. Executed within a bat script, it gives the error below. Executed on the command line (with the correct line number as calculated by the script in place of %Line%, it works fine.

The key line is

more +%Line% %0 | powershell -c –

The error is

û : The term 'û' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

The full Bat script is

@echo off
set fn=Archive-Extract
set fnp0=C:\RMT\VCS\GIT\Games\soulfu\build\dependencies2\libogg-1.2.2.zip
set fnp1=C:\RMT\VCS\GIT\Games\soulfu\build\dependencies2
REM Set %A to the line number of all lines starting with ':', this leaves %A with the line number of the last ':'.
for /f "delims=:" %%a In ('findstr /Bn ":" %0') do set /A Line=%%a
REM Send the content of this script past the last line starting with ':' to powershell.
more +%Line% %0 | powershell -c –

dir *.bat
pause & exit /b


function Archive-Extract([string]$zipFilePath, [string]$destinationPath) {
    # This will get added when paths are joined, and path comparison will need it to be absent.
    $destinationPath = $destinationPath.TrimEnd("\");

    $zipfile = [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($zipFilePath);

    # Determine how many top level entries there are.
    $ziplevel0files = @{};
    $zipfile.Entries | foreach {
        $s = ($_.FullName.TrimEnd("/") -split "/")[0];
        if ($ziplevel0files.ContainsKey($s)) {
            $ziplevel0files[$s] = $ziplevel0files[$s] + 1;
        } else {
            $ziplevel0files[$s] = 0;

    if ($ziplevel0files.count -ne 1) {
        Write-Host "Zip archives are (at this time) expected to contain one top-level directory, and all content within it.";
        return 1; # Failure

    $zipDirPath = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $ziplevel0files.Keys[0];
    # If the directory does not exist, extract the zip archive into the current folder.
    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $zipDirPath) {
        Write-Host "Top-level extraction directory already exists.";
        return 2; # Failure

    $zipfile.Entries | foreach {
        $extractFilePath = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $_.FullName;
        $extractFileDirPath = Split-Path -Parent $extractFilePath;
        # Skip the top-level directory everything comes under.
        if ($extractFileDirPath -ne $destinationPath) {
            if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $extractFileDirPath -PathType Container)) {
                New-Item -Path $extractFileDirPath -Type Directory | Out-Null;

            # Sometimes a directory comes after a file within the directory (the latter causes it to be created implicitly above).
            if (-not $extractFilePath.EndsWith("\")) {
                try {
                    [IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($_, $extractFilePath, $true);
                } catch {
                    Write-Host "Failed to extract file:" $extractFilePath;
                    return 3; # Failure
    return 0; # Success

# Anything that calls should execute the powershell and set the parameters.

$fn = (Get-ChildItem Env:fn).Value;
$f = (get-item -path function:$fn);
Write-Host "sss1" $fn;
if ($fn -eq "Archive-Extract") {
    Write-Host "sss2";
    $archivepath = (Get-ChildItem Env:fnp0).Value;
    $destinationpath = (Get-ChildItem Env:fnp1).Value;
    $err = & $f.ScriptBlock $archivepath $destinationpath;
    exit $err;
} else {
    Write-Host "sss3";
    Write-Error "Failed to match function: "+ $fn;
    exit 1000;

What needs to be added to the BAT script to execute the same as when the code is executed line-by-line on the command-line?

EDIT: Note that when I adapted this script to follow the multi-line powerscript commenting approach recommended by npocmaka, the existing code above based on more but with no skipped line numbers worked. However, I am not entirely convinced that this solves the problem. I believe the above code worked fine at one point, as is, and worked for the person who came up with the original base code to begin with.

  • so you want a batch and powershell code in one file ?
    – npocmaka
    Feb 1, 2015 at 9:26
  • Yes. Getting this working is the sole purpose of this question. Feb 1, 2015 at 18:52
  • This is a very old post but I think I might have found the problem. If you look very closely at the "key" line in the listing above you will notice that the - indicating read from standard input seems a bit longer than the - in -c. By appropriate cutting and pasting into Notepad and saving as UTF-8, it turns out that the long - is actually U+2013 EN DASH which is saved by Notepad in Ansi mode as 0x96 which is the OEM character û. So the upshot is that the "key" line was actually "more +%Line% %0 | powershell -c û" Jul 7, 2020 at 16:02

1 Answer 1

<# : 
@echo off

:: $cmdargs variable will contain the command line.
powershell $cmdargs="""%*""";$exp=$(Get-Content '%~f0') -replace """`n""",""";""" ;invoke-expression """$exp"""

echo --START BATCH--
dir *.bat
pause & exit /b

Write-Host "sss";


Try this.I think it's better way for hybridization and allows something like argument passing to powershell script.Just have in mind that every line should be terminated with ;

  • This works for simple snippets of powershell. But it doesn't work for the actual code I plan to use. See the updated question, which extracts a zip archive that contains a directory with files within it. Feb 1, 2015 at 18:52
  • @yourpublicdisplayname - the problem probably is with one line comments.Try with <#comment#> .Have on mind that this kind of hybridization cannot be perfect. Powershell is verry strict about extensions.You can try also to make ps1 file to act as batch scripts or try to hybrid it with [ADS] (dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6185)
    – npocmaka
    Feb 1, 2015 at 19:04
  • The problem is not one line comments. If the first comment is removed, it errors on the next line of code. I expect the problem is the leading spaces. Feb 1, 2015 at 20:19

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