I have a situation where I'm having to use a blackboxed wrapper for multithreading (which I suspect sits on top of a TBB Thread Pool).
I have a value that can only be obtained by an object that has an expensive constructor, and each thread needs a local instance of that, which is OK. That object will produce a value that is guaranteed always identical across threads (all constructors take the same const forming argument from the main loop). Each thread also has access to a shared struct for that argument as well as to save some results.
The value in question (an iteration range in the form of unsigned int) required by the threads is used later in the main loop, so if I could I'd rather not create another expensive instance of the above mentioned object just to get that same value again.
My question is, on Windows with VC11, and Linux with GCC 4.8.2, on x86-64, is writing the same value to the same memory location (int in a struct the threads have a pointer to) from multiple threads a benign race? Is it a race I could just let happen without guarding the value with an expensive lock? From cursory testing it seems to be the case, but I'm not entirely sure whether under the hood the operation is atomic and safe, or if there's a potential for corruption that might show up under stress.