I was making a POST request with some parameters using Retrofit in Android
The error I was getting in Android Studio logcat:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING
at line 2 column 1 path $
[but it was working fine with VOLLY library]
when I googled it...
you know[ Obviously json is expecting a OBJECT but...]
BUT when I changed my service to return a simple string [ like print_r("don't lose hope") ] or
Noting at all
It was getting printed fine in Postman
but in Android studio logcat, it was still SAME ERROR [
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING
at line 2 column 1 path $
Hold up now, I am sending a simple message or not sending anything in response and still studio is
telling me "...Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING..."
On 4th day:
I finally stopped for looking "QUICK SOLUTIONS" and REALLY READ some stack overflow questions
and articles carefully.
Logging interceptor
It will show you whatever data comes from your server[even eco messages] which are not shown in
Andorid studios logcat,
that way you can FIND THE PROBLEM.
What I found is I was sending data with @Body like-
@Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
Call<Resp> createNewPost(@Body ParaModel paraModel);
but no parameter was reaching to server, everything was null [I found using Logging interceptor]
then I simply searched an article "how to make POST request using Retrofit"
here's one
from here I changed my method to:
Call<Resp> createNewPost(
@Field("user_id") Integer user_id,
@Field("user_name") String user_name,
@Field("description") String description,
@Field("tags") String tags);
and everything was fine.
I don't understand why Retrofit gave this error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING
at line 2 column 1 path $
it doesn't make any sense at all.
So ALWAYS DEBUG in detail then find WHERE THINGS ARE LEAKING and then FIX.