I know that we generally don't want to stub a method in acceptance/feature tests, but this is something I ABSOLUTELY need to stub for all of my acceptance/feature tests.

When I put the stub call in Before block in env.rb or in a Background step, I get the following error.

The use of doubles or partial doubles from rspec-mocks outside of the per-test lifecycle is not supported. (RSpec::Mocks::OutsideOfExampleError)

Where should I put the stub call so that it will work in all scenarios?

1 Answer 1


I thought this might work:

  RSpec::Mocks.with_temporary_scope do
    allow_any_instance_of ....

Documented here:


but actually does not work as I expect - better solution is:

require 'cucumber/rspec/doubles'

thanks to Sanjay! @sanjsanj

Documented here:


  • It looks like documentation for this is falling out of date? This doesn't work for me :( BUT adding the with_temporary_scope bit did the trick!!! Thanks!
    – Ninjaxor
    Dec 16, 2015 at 19:41

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