As of Kony 7 there is a better way to do headless builds:
Basically use the HeadlessBuild.properties to configure your build and launch it with ant
. It's a struggle in the beginning but we got a successful build of android and iOS via Jenkins.
Note: Building multiple projects at the same time does not seem to work (e.g. for multiple build types) and results in an error message. You'll have to build sequentially.
Comment if you're interested in the further build process and I'll consider writing a blog post about this :)
Finished a first version of a shell script to build a Kony Project for Android and iOS for Jenkins. Its far from elegant or perferct but it might be a good start for anyone who stumbles accross this post.
First I created a settings script which contains the configuration of my build (all values-to-be-entered are shown as <value>
# This script builds a Kony Project with following steps
# 1. Inject settings into global.properties, build.properties, middleware properties
# 2. Build Project by executing ant build.xml
# 2.1 When building android apps these are already packed as .apk
# 2.2 APK is signed
# 3. If iOS app is build the iOS dumyWorkspace (VMAppWithKonylib) is unzipped and filled with KAR file from ant build
# 3.1 the iOS app is archived
# 3.2 this iOS app is signed and exported as ipa
# 4. all APK and IPA files are copied to deploys folder.
# Note: The Directory the Kony Project is inside must be the name of the Kony Project. otherwise it will not build. This means, that if you clone your project from repository you'll have to put it into a folder or already have it checkedin as a folder.
_project_name=<Kony Application Project name. e.g. KonyTemplate>
# Targets
# Middleware Config
# tools
_android_home=<android sdk home>
_android_zipalign=<zipalign in android build-tools>
_eclipse_equinox=<eclipse equinox jar in kony studio. e.g. /Users/userxyz/Kony_Studio/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar
_ant_bin_dir=<ant binary directory e.g. /usr/local/bin>
# you will need this parameter if you build an ios project. It is the You can retrieve it like this:
# - search for file "com.kony.ios_x.x.x.GA_vxxxxxxxxxxxx.jar" in Kony_Studio/plugins/ Folder
# - copy it to another folder and rename it as .zip
# - unzip
# - retrieve file "iOS-GA-x.x.x.zip" and copy it to destination referenced in _ios_dummy_project_zip variable
_ios_dummy_project_zip=<location of kony ios workspaced (zipeed). e.g. /Applications/Kony/Kony_Studio/iOS-GA-6.0.2.zip>
# OS Code Signing
_ios_code_sign_identity='<code sign identity>'
_ios_provisioning_profile_name='<provisioning profile name'
# Android signing
_android_storepass=<keystore password>
_android_keyalias=<keystore alias>
_android_keypass=<key password>
_android_keystore=<keystore file within kony project directory. e.g. keystore.jks>
# Settings End
# Execute
sh ./jenkins_build_internal.sh $_project_name $_target_android_phone $_target_android_tablet $_target_ios_phone $_target_ios_tablet $_middleware_ipaddress $_middleware_httpport $_middleware_httpsport $_removeprintstatements $_build $_android_home $_eclipse_equinox $_ant_bin_dir $_ios_dummy_project_zip "$_ios_code_sign_identity" "$_ios_provisioning_profile_uuid" "$_ios_provisioning_profile_name" $_android_zipalign $_android_storepass $_android_keyalias $_android_keypass $_android_keystore
I then have the actual script which does the build job as descripted at the top of the first script. Here we also do the Magic which Sam posted.
# Settings
# Targets
# Middleware Config
# Build confif
# Build tools Config
# OS Code Signing
# Android signing
# Define functions
function escape_slashes {
sed 's/\//\\\//g'
function change_line {
local OLD_LINE_PATTERN=$1; shift
local NEW_LINE=$1; shift
local FILE=$1
local NEW=$(echo "${NEW_LINE}" | escape_slashes)
sed -i .bak '/'"${OLD_LINE_PATTERN}"'/s/.*/'"${NEW}"'/' "${FILE}"
mv "${FILE}.bak" /tmp/
# Dump Settings
echo "##### Executing Jenkins Kony Build #####"
echo "# Android Phone = " $_target_android_phone
echo "# Android Tablet = " $_target_android_tablet
echo "# iOS Phone = " $_target_ios_phone
echo "# iOS Tablet = " $_target_ios_tablet
echo "##### Executing Jenkins Kony Build #####"
echo ''
# Clean
echo "# cleaning up"
rm -rf binaries
rm -rf jssrc
# Inject properties
echo "# injecting properties"
change_line "^android=" "android=$_target_android_phone" build.properties
change_line "^androidtablet=" "androidtablet=$_target_android_tablet" build.properties
change_line "^iphone=" "iphone=$_target_ios_phone" build.properties
change_line "^ipad=" "ipad=$_target_ios_tablet" build.properties
change_line "^android.home=" "android.home=$_android_home" global.properties
change_line "^eclipse.equinox.path=" "eclipse.equinox.path=$_eclipse_equinox" global.properties
change_line "^httpport=" "httpport=$_middleware_httpport" middleware.properties
change_line "^httpsport=" "httpsport=$_middleware_httpsport" middleware.properties
change_line "^ipaddress=" "ipaddress=$_middleware_ipaddress" middleware.properties
# Execute Main Build - Ant
echo "## Execute Kony Ant Build - Start ##"
export PATH=$PATH:${_ant_bin_dir}
ant -file build.xml
echo "## Execute Kony Ant Build - Done ##"
echo ''
# Android app signing
if [ ${_target_android_phone} == "true" -o ${_target_android_tablet} == "true" ]
set +x
echo "## Execute Android signing APK - Start ##"
cd binaries/android
jarsigner -storepass "${_android_storepass}" -keypass "${_android_keypass}" -keystore ../../${_android_keystore} luavmandroid.apk ${_android_keyalias} -signedjar luavmandroid-signed_unaligned.apk
${_android_zipalign} -v 4 luavmandroid-signed_unaligned.apk luavmandroid-signed.apk
cd -
echo "## Execute Android signing APK - Done ##"
echo ''
# Check and execute optional ios Workspace build for iphone
if [ ${_target_ios_phone} == "true" ]
echo "## Execute Kony iOS Workspace creation - Start ##"
cd ..
echo "# unzipping workspace #"
rm -rf VMAppWithKonylibiphone
unzip $_ios_dummy_project_zip -d .
mv VMAppWithKonylib VMAppWithKonylibiphone
cd VMAppWithKonylibiphone
cd gen
echo "# filling workspace #"
perl extract.pl ../../webapps/KonyTemplater/kbf/konyappiphone.KAR
# back to ios Workspace
cd ..
echo "## Execute Kony iOS iPhone Workspace creation - Done ##"
# dirty piece of code to create the scheme files... open xcode and close it again :)
echo "# opening project to generate scheme"
open VMAppWithKonylib.xcodeproj
sleep ${_sleep_while_xcode_startup}
echo "# close project"
osascript -e 'quit app "Xcode"'
echo "## Execute Kony iOS Archive - Start ##"
# create signed archive
xcodebuild -scheme KRelease -archivePath build/Archive.xcarchive archive PROVISIONING_PROFILE="${_ios_provisioning_profile_uuid}" CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="${_ios_code_sign_identity}"
echo "## Execute Kony iOS Archive - Done ##"
echo "## Execute Kony iOS IPA Generation - Start ##"
# create ipa
xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat IPA -archivePath build/Archive.xcarchive -exportPath build/KonyiOSApp.ipa -exportProvisioningProfile "${_ios_provisioning_profile_name}"
echo "## Execute Kony iOS IPA Generation - Done ##"
echo ''
# Check and execute optional ios Workspace build for ipad
if [ ${_target_ios_tablet} == "true" ]
echo "## Execute Kony iOS Workspace creation - Start ##"
cd ..
echo "# unzipping workspace #"
rm -rf VMAppWithKonylibipad
unzip $_ios_dummy_project_zip -d .
mv VMAppWithKonylib VMAppWithKonylibipad
cd VMAppWithKonylibipad
cd gen
echo "# filling workspace #"
perl extract.pl ../../webapps/KonyTemplater/kbf/konyappipad.KAR
# back to ios Workspace
cd ..
echo "## Execute Kony iOS iPhone Workspace creation - Done ##"
echo "# opening project to generate scheme"
open VMAppWithKonylib.xcodeproj
sleep ${_sleep_while_xcode_startup}
echo "# close project"
osascript -e 'quit app "Xcode"'
echo "## Execute Kony iOS Archive - Start ##"
# create signed archive
xcodebuild -scheme KRelease -archivePath build/Archive.xcarchive archive PROVISIONING_PROFILE="${_ios_provisioning_profile_uuid}" CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="${_ios_code_sign_identity}"
echo "## Execute Kony iOS Archive - Done ##"
echo "## Execute Kony iOS IPA Generation - Start ##"
# create ipa
xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat IPA -archivePath build/Archive.xcarchive -exportPath build/KonyiOSApp.ipa -exportProvisioningProfile "${_ios_provisioning_profile_name}"
echo "## Execute Kony iOS IPA Generation - Done ##"
echo ''
echo "## Copy Binaries to ./deploys/ ##"
cd ..
mkdir deploys
cp VMAppWithKonylibipad/build/KonyiOSApp.ipa deploys/app-release-ipad.ipa
cp VMAppWithKonylibiphone/build/KonyiOSApp.ipa deploys/app-release-iphone.ipa
cp ${_project_name}/binaries/android/luavmandroid-signed.apk deploys/app-release-android.apk
echo ''
echo ''
echo ''
In the jenkins configuration I now only call the first script by executing a shell script:
cd KonyTemplate
sh ./jenkins_build.sh
If anyone has any suggestions to improve this little script (and there most definitely are plenty), I'm sure we'll all be happy to hear them.