tblAgreement AgreementOld = (from g in TDC.tblAgreements
                             where g.AccountID == ids.accountID && g.AgreementID == AgreementID
                            select g).SingleOrDefault();

Guid AgreementIDNew = Guid.NewGuid();
var AgreementNew = AgreementOld;
AgreementNew.AgreementID = AgreementIDNew;
AgreementNew.StatusChangeDate = DateTime.Now;
AgreementNew.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
AgreementNew.AccountID = ids.accountID;
AgreementNew.CreatedByID = ids.userID;

I am trying to create a new object with some same values as old object, But i am getting this error message;

Cannot add an entity that already exists.

Note: I don't want to delete OLD object. Kindly Help me I have google it but couldn't find any help or solution.

2 Answers 2


You need to create a new object, currently your new object is also reffering to old one:

var AgreementNew = new Agreement();  // create a new instance
AgreementNew.SomeProperty = AgreementOld.SomeProperty; // assign property from old to new
AgreementNew.AgreementID = AgreementIDNew; // new proerties here
AgreementNew.StatusChangeDate = DateTime.Now;
AgreementNew.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
AgreementNew.AccountID = ids.accountID;
AgreementNew.CreatedByID = ids.userID;
  • I know this solution but its so headaching! Feb 24, 2015 at 7:59
  • 1
    @WaqarAhmed you have to do this way, its reference type so that way won't work what you want Feb 24, 2015 at 9:13

If AgreementOld is DataTable then just do

var AgreementNew = AgreementOld.Copy();

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