I am having trouble with an SQL Trigger on a View. I have a table called Absence like so:

 absence_id_pk varchar(6) NOT NULL,
 staff_id_fk varchar(6),
 start_date date,
 end_date date,
 reason varchar(30),
 PRIMARY KEY (absence_id_pk),
 FOREIGN KEY (staff_id_fk) REFERENCES Full_Time_Employee(staff_id_fk)

which records periods of staff absence from work.

Here is the problem! I would like to create a trigger that sends a message to the DBMS when a member of staff's total number of absent days is greater than 20 e.g. Eek! This staff is taking too much sick leave. In reality, it would probably be checked against a period of time e.g. in the last 6 months but this doesn't need to be that complex. Simply when the total of periods of absence is above 20 days on insert of a new record into the Absence table.

After reading some of the comments I have made this new trigger:

create or replace TRIGGER absence_check
ON absence
staffid absence.staff_id_fk%TYPE;
days number;
SELECT SUM(end_date - start_date) INTO days
FROM absence
WHERE staff_id_fk = staffid;
IF days > 20
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total days absent are more than 20' || staffid);

Any advice/guidance/solutions would be greatly appreciated! It would be a bonus if the message could print out the staff_id_fk that has just violated the > 20 days absent rule.

P.S. I am a University student and although this may be implemented in other ways, we have been asked to try and create triggers for our database scenario!

  • Create an insert trigger on the table absence. Why are you inserting into the view in this case? Feb 28, 2015 at 12:58
  • 3
    You seemed to have this working yesterday and you've now made it much complicated than in your comment? You're assuming that who/whatever does the insert is doing anything with the dbms_output buffer, which often isn't the case. And that whoever inserts does something with the info, and can't insert into the base table. A scheduled (monthly?) job that checks all employees and, say, emails HR might be more appropriate for this sort of thing?
    – Alex Poole
    Feb 28, 2015 at 13:46
  • P.S. The record can still be inserted if the absence is > 20 days. I just want the warning message output. Then the best thing to do is to create a scheduled job -- hourly, daily, monthly, or whatever -- not a trigger. Feb 28, 2015 at 14:59
  • 1
    Voting to close as a duplicate since this could have been an edit to your other question on the same topic. Feb 28, 2015 at 15:01
  • @DavidFaber You're right. I should have continued my thread from yesterday! >.< If this closes I will continue to search for an answer there. Also, I have no idea about scheduled jobs. I'm new to Triggers (we've only had 1 brief lecture on them) and I would like to get some Triggers working as an extra task for my University assignment. Feb 28, 2015 at 16:21

1 Answer 1

create or replace TRIGGER absence_check
ON absence
staffid absence.staff_id_fk%TYPE := :NEW.staff_id_fk;
days number;
SELECT SUM(end_date - start_date) INTO days
FROM Absence, Staff 
WHERE Absence.staff_id_fk = staffid;
IF days > 20
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Warning: Total number of days absent is more than 20 for staff member: ' || staffid);

Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions. It feels great when you finally crack a problem and I have learnt so much about Triggers by exploring this problem with your help.

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