Trying to install my own app from play store, it says "You cannot install this app because another user has already installed an incompatible version on this device"

Note - I've uninstalled the debug version, and also cleared my Cache. Still can't get it to install from Play Store.

My phone is not rooted, so as another similar answer here on stackoverflow suggests, I cannot use a root file explorer to clear data.

  • 1
    @PreethiRao, yes, lollipop.
    – user4414636
    Commented Mar 4, 2015 at 11:32
  • That's not Lollipop specific, but rather introduced in later versions of Google Play client. I am on KitKat (4.4.4) and have the same issue. For an explanation why, see DrZaphod's post below.
    – Levon
    Commented Mar 7, 2016 at 13:07
  • 2
    Just change your profile to guest or another if you have then uninstall it from all other users. And Voila ! ;)
    – OMArikan
    Commented Jun 3, 2016 at 21:21
  • The message can also be Update package not compatible, please uninstall and then reinstall. You can install this app in App Store. and mean the same thing.
    – Alaa M.
    Commented Nov 27, 2016 at 20:56

30 Answers 30


Refer this , Actually your debug version of the app didnt get uninstalled properly

  1. Go to settings > apps > downloaded app list
  2. You can see the installed applications in the list (the application may not be in order. or may be towards the very end)
  3. Click on the application,go to the overflow menu option
  4. Click on uninstall for all users options
  • 1
    This is it. Thank you! Is this Lollipop specific? Also, are the users who are using the previous version of my app going to have this issue?
    – user4414636
    Commented Mar 4, 2015 at 11:37
  • 1
    Ha this is lollipop specific ,and other users may not get this issue. cause they will be installing it as update of previous app, Commented Mar 4, 2015 at 11:38
  • 5
    i guess this answer will be upvoted so many times in the future ;) Commented Mar 4, 2015 at 11:39
  • 2
    Note: it may be last in the list. I had a weird situation where I uninstalled it from all users, but it still showed up at the bottom of the "installed applications" list, with the label "app not installed" (btw, great UX google). Check the bottom if the list if you don't see it in alphabetical order.
    – scosman
    Commented Jun 26, 2015 at 15:47
  • 9
    This is another solution: Check if your device has "Second Space" like Xiaomi devices. Or check if you have installed dual apps. Unistall this founded aditional app.
    – Jota Pardo
    Commented Jun 7, 2019 at 20:45

In my case I wasn't able to see the application in settings > apps > downloaded app list because I have already tried to uninstall it.

What worked for me was: adb shell pm uninstall com.packagename

I think my problem was because somehow I had installed the app on the Primary and Guest user and couldn't uninstall them from neither one.

  • 12
    yes, only adb shell pm uninstall com.packagename helped me. And I can't see my application in settings. Thank you! Commented Apr 6, 2016 at 22:08
  • 2
    Thank you very much, just what I need. This worked for me too. Commented Nov 10, 2016 at 18:40
  • 2
    That command worked for me, I did not see the options explained in the accepted answer Commented Mar 24, 2017 at 15:15
  • I found that the app in question was installed on the guest account so uninstalled there to fix.
    – Rich
    Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 9:35
  • In my case, I had installed my application in Work Profile using stackoverflow.com/questions/56951666/… . But the app was not visible in Work Profile. Then I tried to install again in personal profile. Though adb install myapp.apk shows success, application icon is not visible. Finally, this option worked for me.
    – Pendyala
    Commented Dec 10, 2020 at 4:48

In Redmi note3, the debug version of app was got installed on second space.
So Settings->Second space->Go to Second space. Uninstall the app.

  • it should work for everyone that created second space, awesome thanks!
    – ah_hau
    Commented Jun 21, 2017 at 17:27
  • I had to delete second space and then it worked. Thanks for the tip.
    – GrahamD
    Commented Oct 10, 2022 at 13:07
  • Thanks!!!!. Sneaky Second Space has hidden my app. 👍 Commented Jan 18 at 23:07

If you are reading this than probably you tried everything (ie. uninstall,clean cache,clean second space etc which you can do in phone) and your problem is still not resolved. I faced the same issue and took me a day to figure it out. But I found solution end of the day. Here is what you have to do.

1.Open your app in android studio
2.Click on gradle(on right side corner)
3.go to app->task->install->uninstallAll
4.Click on uninstallAll
5.Boom problem solved!!!

For cross platform app such as flutter

If you are coming from cross platform such as flutter or react native, You will not see gradlemenu. To get that
a) go to Android folder then app .
b) open build.gradle file,
c) click on Open for Editing in Android Studio.
d) you should see gradle.Now you can follow step 3

  • Thanks man!!! This works for me, I've been looking for a solution since last night!
    – heychar
    Commented Apr 7, 2020 at 12:58
  • I don't understand step 2. Where is "gradle?" Is that an icon?
    – Pete Alvin
    Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 15:49
  • Pete I assume you are coming from cross platform. I have updated the post. Please check. Commented Apr 15, 2021 at 7:19

If using from Android Studio 2.3 (and maybe above versions), at last step of Generate Signed APK window, in Signature versions: part, check both check boxes, then click Finish to generate APK.

enter image description here

  • 1
    Thanks so much!! I kept thinking it was because of something I had done in the manifest Commented Mar 13, 2017 at 14:56

Tried to check the above solutions but didn't help me.

Finally I followed the below steps to over come on My device( Asus Zenfone 2)

Settings> Users> 1. Owner 2. Guest

Clicked on Guest> Playstore> Uninstall the application(Option came up once you search for that application)

After un-installing went back to Owner(User) from Guest. Was able to install the application successfully.

  • This solution worked for me. The error message should better specify what it means by 'user'. I thought it was referring to my Play Store user accounts, not my phone user accounts.
    – andreini
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 13:31

I used a USB cable, then I run this command in Terminal sudo adb uninstall packagename something like com.example.appname.

  • 2
    So, after running that command did it work?
    – Sabito
    Commented Feb 12, 2021 at 10:03
  • I removed the no-success story part. The remaining is quite short on explanation and might not be perceived as a helpful answer. Please consider rephrasing it by editing to add an explanation of how and why this helps.
    – Yunnosch
    Commented Feb 13, 2021 at 8:16
  • Yeah that's what I only did and it worked fine.
    – Bercove
    Commented Feb 17, 2021 at 14:31
  • 1
    Life Saver. Nice! Commented Jun 27, 2023 at 20:13

I have Fixed this issue on xiomi mobiles.

The issue is because your app is already exist in parallel space or (Second Space).

  1. Go to your settings
  2. Find second space and press enter.
  3. Switch to second space mode.
  4. Once you enter. you can see your app there.
  5. Unistall your app and switch back to second space.
  6. Open playstore now you can download app easily.
  • 1
    @ManiruzzamanAkash welcome bro. vote up this answer if you didn't.
    – Yasir Ali
    Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 8:33

Since lollipop it looks like the app preferences are associated with the signing key. Since the debug version of the app uses a different signing key, you have to completely uninstall the old debug app, including data.

To do this:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Choose app.
  3. Is should default to the downloaded app list in alphabetical order.
  4. You will find the uninstalled applications are not in alphabetical order but actually at the bottom of the list.
  5. Click on the application
  6. Choose 'Clear Data'

Note - most of this information is the same as another answer by Preethi Rao but my edits have been rejected - also I have zero reputation so cannot actually comment.


For Redmi or Mi Phones, the debug app was got installed on second space.

  1. Go To Setting -> Second Space -> Open Second Space.

  2. Settings -> App - > downloaded app list.

  3. Click on the application, You want to Uninstall.
  4. Click on Uninstall.
  5. Back to First space from setting.


This is my solution for my Meizu pro 6.

Settings -> Fingerprint and security -> Guest Mode -> Clear guest data


Honor Device Solution

I needed to uninstall it from private space too. You can open private space from

Setting > Security & Privacy > Private Space

Then open private space, and go to setting>apps then delete app from there.


Update to Preethi Rao's Answer.

From Android O this option is available under

Settings > Apps & Notifications > App info

There you can see your uninstalled debuggable app with label Not installed for this user.

You can open it now, and you can see triple vertical dot in top right corner.

In that there is option Uninstall for all users. By taping it you can uninstall the app completely.

  • 1
    it works. i have android orio API27. MIA1 Stock android os.
    – Vrajesh
    Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 11:04

On Samsung Galaxy TAB S2, Android 7.0, after clicking on setting -> Apps and then clicking on the app for which the error was displayed, I clicked on the 3 dots at the top right and there is an option there "uninstall of all users"


In Android API 25+

Steps (Stock android os) :

Settings-> Storage ->Other Apps-> -> clear cache and data ->press "i" icon -> App Info open -> click right side on action bar -> press "Uninstall for all users"

now app is uninstall and install your apk, your app is able to install...

Happy Release :)

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


Just change your profile to guest or another if you have then uninstall it from all other users.

And Voila ! ;)


If you are a developer. Goto adb terminal and do adb uninstall "package name of the app"


I had this issue on a Xiaomi device when i had a debug APK previously installed and try to install the release one from playstore. Even after uninstalling the app, playstore still showed that error, i reeboted cleared cache, but everything got failed. At last i found the solution by going through playstore settings -> my apps and notifications -> library -> where you can see all your installed files directory. Remove your app from that list and try again. Now the error will be gone.


Some devices has the option to log in as a "guest", try login into that guest account and see if you can locate and delete the problematic app. Typically check on Settings->Users->Multiple users


When I go to download the app from the app store after deleting the debug app, I get this alert. I couldnt fix that through my device. So, I connected my device to my laptop and ran this command to find the package name.

adb shell pm list packages

Next, I uninstalled it again with this command

adb shell pm uninstall myAppPackageName

Likely you have a framework that has to install with your app, and that is what is actually erring. If you use xamarin, phone gap or any other development platform, make sure to go to installed apps and uninstall the framework.

I have seen this very often with Xamarin

  • Nope. It's a native Android app.
    – user4414636
    Commented Mar 4, 2015 at 11:32
  • Any dependencies? Even native could have frameworks to install
    – Tim
    Commented Mar 4, 2015 at 11:33

In Android Lollipop there are user, so this message mean that you need to switch the user and uninstall the app from all the users in the device...

See in Settings->Users


In my case, I couldn't install the app because I had it installed on a different user on the device. So deleting the app from that user fixed the problem on my end


The existing app should be un-installed by going to settings-> Apps->...you may find the message that "this application is not installed for this user". Such apps can not be installed in the current user. If that is the case then, change the user/profile and then try to uninstall the app.


For Updated Android Studio 2.3 or upcoming...

  1. Build > Generate Signed apk.
  2. Create Keystore path.
  3. Put Password, alias, key password.
  4. Build type select accordingly(eg to release in playstore use release).
  5. Signature Version select both V1 and V2 checkboxes.
  6. after you click on Finsih.
  7. Wait for gradle building.
  8. After gradle build Android Studio will show you a notification to open the apk location explorer.
  9. Go to explorer where you selected for the apk to store and you will see your .apk file name as app-release.apk use it.

Hope this will solve your issue.


If You Know Android Development

Then you can simple uninstall this app by adb.

adb uninstall packagename exa: adb uninstall com.sdcardprefer

Here com.sdcardprefer is packagename.

This adb command remove incompatible version of the app that install in your devices.


For my case, since I installed "Workspace" from google, the old app was installed inside the workspace. So, I need to go to "Workspace" then uninstall that old app from there first.


I uninstalled my app, but the play store was still giving me the error message that the app was still installed. Even though the additional users option was disabled, another profile on my device (Samsung Galaxy Tab A) still had the app installed which blocked my app from being re-installed.

Enable the users option in Settings > Accounts and backup > Users.

On my device, a Guest profile was present; I deleted it, but I imagine uninstalling the app on that profile would work as well.


I went to my phone setting and deleted the Guest user and then turned off Multiple Users option after that I was able to download my deployed app from playstore, as well as build and run the react native app which was failing, hope it helps someone in future.


For my case this all solutions doesn't apply, I logged into my emulator with the Gmail I use in the play store, and stopped using it long without knowing the case, I just had to logout from every other device except for my android device and my pc. The steps are as follows -> Gmail App -> Click on User Icon -> Manage Your Google Account -> Security -> Manage all devices -> logout from the devices you want. Check after 30 minutes or 1 hour. you will be able to download the apps from the play store.