I'm new to JavaScript, Node.js and jasmine. I'm trying to run a test from the book "The Node Craftsman Book", FilesizeWatcher. I've created the package.json file and run "npm install", thus installing jasmine-node locally to the project. When I run jasmine-node on the spec file I see only output from console.log but nothing from jasmine. I can see from console.log statements that calls to jasmine (e.g. expect(err).toBe("Path does not start with a slash");) are made, but there is no output.

Any idea of where i should start to find an error?


4 Answers 4


I know what code you are referring to. The problem is

watcher.on('grew', function(gain) { 

Replace with:

watcher.callbacks['grew'] = function(gain) { 

The core of the problem seems to be that the test is written to run on different code. From a pure JS point of view, watcher object does not have the on "key" and therefore, by simply reading the code, I would not expect it to work. I am new to Node too so, at first, I simply assumed that it would work. I think the lesson there is: JS is JS and nothing node does with it changes that. I found a much better introduction in a book called "Eloquent Javascript". Good luck!


I had the same issue and discovered that by adding the switch:


Mentioned by @Charminbear in the comments above, jasmine-node produced a list of errors in my scripts. Fixing these resolved the issue.


I managed to get this to work after realising a few errors on my part.

Firstly, I still had self.callbacks = {}; in my code. I removed this. Secondly, I was still using self.callbacks['error']('Path does not start with a slash');. I changed it to self.emit('error', 'Path does not start with a slash');

Problem solved (for me).


I had the same issue, thanks @John Doherty's answer, I discovered my problem:

self.callbacks = {};
FilesizeWatcher.prototype.on = function(eventType, callback) {
    this.callback[eventType] = callback;

It's a typo on this.callback, it should be this.callbacks:

FilesizeWatcher.prototype.on = function(eventType, callback) {
    this.callbacks[eventType] = callback;

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