I want to simulate the behavior of erl -sname example -hidden but dynamically. How can I drop a node out of visibility in a cluster?

See the comments by @mwt at @Yasir Arsanukaev for additional clarification of what I'm trying to do.

1 Answer 1


Try erlang:disconnect_node/1:

(bar@dt)1> nodes().
(bar@dt)2> net_adm:ping('foo@dt').          
(bar@dt)3> nodes().               
(bar@dt)4> erlang:disconnect_node('foo@dt').
(bar@dt)5> nodes().                         

Or if you want a node to remove itself from other nodes' nodes():

(bar@dt)1> nodes().
(bar@dt)2> rpc:eval_everywhere(erlang, disconnect_node, [node()]).
(bar@dt)3> nodes().

If the node was started with key -hidden:

(bar@dt)1> nodes(hidden).
(bar@dt)2> rpc:eval_everywhere(nodes(hidden), erlang, disconnect_node, [node()]).
(bar@dt)3> nodes(hidden).
  • Unfortunately, this doesn't go as far as I was hoping. When you start a node as hidden and then ping it, it won't show up in nodes(). Using the method above, if you ping again after disconnecting, the nodes shows up in nodes() again.
    – mwt
    May 22, 2010 at 5:15
  • @mwt: nodes/1 has other arguments you can choose from: visible, hidden, connected, this, known. And the purpose of ping/1 is to try to "..set up a connection to Node. Returns pang if it fails, or pong if it is successful." I think you may implement the desired behaviour using these primitives. May 22, 2010 at 6:09
  • Perhaps, but I don't quite see how yet. Right now, I have a cluster. Whenever a new node joins, it tries to connect to every node in the cluster by pinging them. If one of those nodes were -hidden, the ping would not connect the new node to the hidden node, which is what I want. However, merely disconnecting the node I want to make hidden allows it be connected by direct pinging, whereupon it shows up in nodes() again. Now, if there's a way to change the state of a node whereby calling nodes() with any argument still excludes it, even after direct pinging, I'd like to know what that way is.
    – mwt
    May 22, 2010 at 6:40
  • Above, when I said "calling nodes() with any argument" I meant "calling nodes() with some argument". For example, if there's a way to cause a node to NOT show up in nodes(visible), and it still won't show up even if the nodes net_adm:ping() one another, then that's perfect, cos that's similar to -hidden behavior.
    – mwt
    May 22, 2010 at 6:49
  • Finally marked this accepted after 13 years. :) What I wanted is impossible, but also easy enough to work around in other ways. Dec 28, 2023 at 23:31

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