I'm testing the code in Getting Started with Erlang User's Guide Concurrent Programming Section.

In tut17.erl, I started a process with erl -sname ping, and another process with al -sname pong as the guide described.

-export([start_ping/1, start_pong/0, ping/2, pong/0]).

ping(0, Pong_Node) ->
    {pong, Pong_Node} ! finished, 
    io:format("ping finished~n", []);

ping(N, Pong_Node) ->
    {pong, Pong_Node} ! {ping, self()}, 
        pong ->
            io:format("Ping received pong~n", [])
    ping(N - 1, Pong_Node).

pong() ->
        finished -> io:format("Pong finished~n", []);
        {ping, Ping_PID} -> 
            io:format("Pong received ping~n", []), 
            Ping_PID ! pong,

start_pong() ->
    register(pong, spawn(tut17, pong, [])).

start_ping(Pong_Node) ->
    spawn(tut17, ping, [3, Pong_Node]).

From the ping and pong process, I could invoke the start_ping and start_pong to check everything works fine.

(ping@smcho)1> tut17:start_ping(pong@smcho).
Ping received pong
Ping received pong
Ping received pong
ping finished  

(pong@smcho)2> tut17:start_pong().
Pong received ping
Pong received ping
Pong received ping
Pong finished 

I'm trying to run the same code from a command line; For a simple hello world example:


start() ->
    io:fwrite("Hello, world!\n").

I use the following command line:

erlc helloworld.erl
erl -noshell -s helloworld start -s init stop

So, I just tried with the following, but ended up with a crash.

  • From ping node: erl -noshell -sname ping -s tut17 start_ping pong@smcho -s init stop
  • From pong node: erl -noshell -sname pong -s tut17 start_pong -s init stop

However, I got this error report from the ping when pong ends without printing anything.

=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Mar-2015::20:29:24 ===
Error in process <0.35.0> on node 'ping@smcho' with exit value: 

Compared to the REPL approach, with command line, each process does not wait for the counterpart to response, but stops after some time. What might be wrong?

2 Answers 2


Arguments from the command line are received as a list of atoms when using the -s switch, and a list of strings when using the -run switch. With this in mind, let's think through what happens...

This command is issued from the shell:

erl -noshell -sname ping \
    -s tut17 start_ping pong@smcho \
    -s init stop

So start_ping/1 is being called with the argument [pong@smcho]. It is then calling ping/2 as ping(3, [pong@smcho]), which in its first line tries to do {pong, [pong@smcho]} ! {ping, self()}. Because a list is not a valid target for a message... your world explodes.

To run this both from the Erlang shell and the system shell comfortably you could add a clause to start_ping/1:

start_ping([Pong_Node]) ->
    spawn(tut17, ping, [3, Pong_Node]);
start_ping(Pong_Node) ->

There are some changes needed.


From zxq9's hint, I modified the start_ping function.

start_ping([Pong_Node]) ->
    io:format("Ping started~n", []),
    spawn(tut17, ping, [3, Pong_Node]);
start_ping(Pong_Node) ->

Invoke the init:stop() when process is finished.

I'm not sure this is absolutely necessary, but it seems to be working with this modification.

ping(0, Pong_Node) ->
    {pong, Pong_Node} ! finished, 
    io:format("ping finished~n", []),

Then I could remove -s init stop from the shell command: erl -noshell -sname ping -s tut17 start_ping pong@smcho.

Execution order

Pong should be invoked before Ping is invoked.

The updated code

This is the revised code:

-export([start_ping/1, start_pong/0, ping/2, pong/0]).

ping(0, Pong_Node) ->
    {pong, Pong_Node} ! finished, 
    io:format("ping finished~n", []),
ping(N, Pong_Node) ->
    {pong, Pong_Node} ! {ping, self()}, 
        pong ->
            io:format("Ping received pong~n", [])
    ping(N - 1, Pong_Node).

pong() ->
        finished -> 
            io:format("Pong finished~n", []),
        {ping, Ping_PID} -> 
            io:format("Pong received ping~n", []), 
            Ping_PID ! pong,

start_pong() ->
    io:format("Pong started~n", []),
    register(pong, spawn(tut17, pong, [])).

start_ping([Pong_Node]) ->
    io:format("Ping started~n", []),
    spawn(tut17, ping, [3, Pong_Node]);
start_ping(Pong_Node) ->

The shell commands:

  • ping: erl -noshell -sname ping -s tut17 start_ping pong@smcho
  • pong: erl -noshell -sname pong -s tut17 start_pong
  • Nicely done. Using init:stop/0,1 for this is very convenient. Before you make it a habit keep in mind that it does shut down the entire node (which is exactly what you want here), so it can be the wrong answer for an OTP application or almost any code that might run alongside other code within the same node.
    – zxq9
    Mar 7, 2015 at 5:20

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