I'm currently working on a problem in code hunt level 6.02 which asks me to capitalize every other letter in a String. I have tried doing it with toCharArray + StringBuilder in for loops. It works, but it's not good enough. I still can't get the perfect score for the problem. I'm running out of ideas. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Note: This is my first post on stack overflow. So if I miss anything or ask question in a wrong way. Pls feel free to point it out for me. Thx.

s is the input string

Attempt 1:

    char [] words = s.toCharArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i +=2){
        words[i] = Character.toUpperCase(words[i]);
    return new String(words);

Attempt 2:

    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(s);
    for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i +=2){
        result.replace(i, i + 1, result.substring(i,i + 1).toUpperCase());
    return result.toString();

Input: "iaiaa"

Expected output: "IaIaA"

  • 1
    Post the code that you have. The inherent complexity of this problem is O(n/2), which should be the complexity of your solution given that its implemented correctly. Commented Mar 9, 2015 at 1:19
  • 1
    You have looped through half the characters in the words twice. The best solution can't be faster than O(n/2); that is the inherent complexity of the problem. Your solution isn't O(n/2), though because you look through half the words, twice, so your solution is O(n/2 + n/2) Commented Mar 9, 2015 at 1:56
  • 1
    there is something weird going wrong. You HAVE to go through every 2nd character in order to capitalize them. Therefore, the efficiency cannot get any better than O(n/2), which is what you have above... Commented Mar 9, 2015 at 3:03
  • 1
    "Attempt 1" should work and should be about the fastest you can do.
    – Hot Licks
    Commented Mar 9, 2015 at 3:15
  • 1
    The only to be much faster would be to cheat and assume ASCII alphabetics only and AND off the 0x20 bit in every other char.
    – Hot Licks
    Commented Mar 9, 2015 at 3:19

2 Answers 2


In both of your attempts, you're going through the characters 2 1/2 times.

Taking your second attempt;

StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(s);
for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i +=2){
    result.replace(i, i + 1, result.substring(i,i + 1).toUpperCase());
return result.toString();

The first line copies all the characters, and your last line copies all the characters. Your for loop goes through half the characters, for a total of 2 1/2 sets of characters.

I don't know if this is faster, but here's my attempt.

String r = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
        r += s.substring(i, i + 1).toUpperCase();
    } else {
        r += s.substring(i, i + 1);
return r;

I realize that this looks like a lot of intermediate Strings are created, but string concatenation has improved since Java 1.7.


I don't know how efficient this really is, but this does the trick for capitalizing the first letter and every other letter after.

    String sentence = "i want to manipulate this string";
    char[] array = new char[] {};

    array = sentence.toCharArray(); //put the sentence into a character array

    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i += 2) {
        if (array[i] == ' ') { //if the character is blank, move to the next index
        array[i] = Character.toUpperCase(array[i]); //capitalize


    sentence = new String(array); //revert array back to String
    System.out.println(sentence); //display

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