I have a quartz job running in a production grails app that was running fine for several days. Every day at 9 AM (2 PM at server local time) I have it perform a task then email me with the results (using the mail plugin). For several weeks this worked fine, but for the past few days I have not received the email (Checked the outgoing SMTP, looks like the email isn't even getting generated). I have determined that the job is not running. Any idea why a quartz job would just stop?

Here's my job:

class RenewJob {

    def communicationService
    def permissionsService
    def emailService

    // Daily at 2
    static triggers = {
        cron name: 'dailyJob', cronExpression: "0 0 14 ? * MON-SUN"

    //method calls obviously obfuscated
    def execute() {
        def renewals = communicationService.doSomethingWithCommunication()
        def expires = permissionsService.doSomethingWithPermissions()
        emailService.sendDailyJobSummaryEmail(renewals, expires);

And my Quartz Configuration:

quartz {
  autoStartup = true
environments {
    test {
        quartz {
            autoStartup = false
    development {
        quartz {
            autoStartup = false


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