I use Docker on Windows 8.1 and I would like know how I can copy/paste a simple text inside the Boot2Docker console please, I have try ctrl+v and right-click but don't work.
1st Option
Right click on the window menu title --> Edit --> Paste
2nd Option
- Double click the start.sh script (this is the script behind the boot2docker linkage)
- Right click on the window menu title --> Options --> mark check box QuickEdit-Mode
- You will then be able to paste text via right click
It turns out that for me, doing so in default did not do the trick. I had to go to Menu > Properties > set Quick Edit Mode ON.
Then, I was able to select text with mouse, to copy hitting "Enter" and to Paste with a right-click button on my mouse.
Pretty obvious things, but if you don't have those, it can be very annoying.
you can - paste by
edit--> paste
If you want it default, click icon docker in terminal -> default -> click Quick Edit Mode
Windows 10, Docker Desktop 4.0.1(68347)
I must tick like this and use ctrl+shift+C/V to copy/paste
Good luck!