I am having 2 pages
- parent page consist a link, on click of this link i am calling an javascript function
function callPage( productId ){
var product = document.getElementById(ProductId).id;
var OpptyId = {!oppty.Id};
var urlToOpen = "/apex/" + '{!namespacePrefix}' + 'testPage?product='+product+'&OpptyId'=OpptyId ;
window.open(urlToOpen ,'','resizable=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=0,width=850,height=350,top=100,left=220')
where Oppty Id is taken from controller.
- While in my child page I am getting all these paramiters as
ProductValueId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('product');
opptyValue = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('OpptyId');
and these fields are then used in javascript as
function setValue()
var productId = '{!productValueId}';
where {!productValue}
is taken from controller.
I am not understanding how and where should i make changes for soving my checkmarx issue.
So, please help me as I would want to submit the application for code review.
Best Regards