I am trying to create a class with a shared function that will return a class based on the value of a parameter, instead of a class instance (basically a class factory.) Then, I will call the class' constructor to get the instance I need.

For example, I have these three classes:

class Test
  sub New(byval anID as Integer)
  end sub
end class

class Test_A
  inherits Test

  sub New(byval anID as Integer)
  end sub
end class

class Test_B
  inherits Test

  sub New(byval anID as Integer)
  end sub
end class

I want something like (I know it does not work):

class TestFactory
  shared function Create(byval aParam as Integer) as Test
    select aParam
      case 0
        return Test_A
      case 1
        return Test_B
    End Select
  end function
end class

to later use it in the following way:

dim aTest as Test = New TestFactory.Create(0)(anID:=100)

I searched for similar question, and they all seem to suggest using generics. But in my case i think they are not suitable, since I need to know the class beforehand (see this answer.)

Any suggestions?

  • Every class could hold a single instance of itself which is returned through a factory method(GetInstance), then you can return the right according to the parameter. Mar 17, 2015 at 16:42
  • I am sorry Tim, but I do not understand what you are saying. Which class has the GetInstance method? Can you provide an example? Mar 17, 2015 at 16:47
  • Why not use generic? Public Shared Function Create(Of T As Test)(anID as Integer) As T Mar 17, 2015 at 17:07
  • The function would still return an instance of a class, not a class. I cannot have something like this: return Type_A Mar 17, 2015 at 17:11
  • You can Return GetType(Type_A), and you return type from Create will be Type. You would then have to create an instance using reflection, and the method signature does not guarantee that the returned type is a subclass of Test. I'll add an example to my answer.
    – Mark
    Mar 17, 2015 at 17:18

2 Answers 2


I was surprised that I couldn't make this work with the constructor directly, but you can at least return a delegate/lambda expression that calls into the constructor you want:

Class TestFactory
  Public Shared Function Create(byval aParam as Integer) as Func(Of Integer, Test)
    Select aParam
      Case 0
        return Function(id) New Test_A(id)
      Case 1
        Return Function(id) New Test_B(id)
    End Select
  End Function
End Class

And then you can call it almost exactly as you described:

Dim aTest As Test = TestFactory.Create(0)(100)

What we are doing now is effectively Currying your Test factory.

My experience, though, is that this is the wrong direction in the first place. Create() methods generally return instances, not Types, and right or wrong, there will be an expectation for this among other programmers who use the type and are familiar with the pattern. If you do go down this path, at least consider a different name for the method.

  • Huh, I don't think I realized you could actually get a hold of the constructor in VB. Is there anything comparable in C#?
    – TyCobb
    Mar 17, 2015 at 17:50
  • @TyCobb Read closely... I'm not sure you can, either, as I couldn't make this work. I posted the answer more as a sign-post, than a complete solution. Mar 17, 2015 at 17:50
  • Sorry. Just saw your bigger edit after I posted. Didn't realize your first sentence was related to the code you posted. It's probably because New is a Sub and doesn't actually return you the instance/type.
    – TyCobb
    Mar 17, 2015 at 17:51
  • You could Return Function(x) New Test_A(x), which isn't too bad.
    – Mark
    Mar 17, 2015 at 18:16
  • @Mark Yes, I think I'll do that. I guess that we just have use a New operator somewhere to actually call a constructor method. Mar 17, 2015 at 18:20

In the example case, you could just pass in your constructor parameter to your factory method:

class TestFactory
  shared function Create(byval aParam as Integer, byval anID as Integer) as Test
    select aParam
      case 0
        return New Test_A(anID)
      case 1
        return New Test_B(anID)
    End Select
  end function
end class

Otherwise, I think you would have to return a Type and call the constructor using reflection, which is not so nice because, as mentioned in the comments, the method signature does not guarantee that the returned type is a subtype of Test.

class TestFactory
  shared function Create(byval aParam as Integer) as Type
    select aParam
      case 0
        return GetType(Test_A)
      case 1
        return GetType(Test_B)
    End Select
  end function
end class

' Use something like this...
Dim t As Type = TestFactory.Create(0)
' Probably need a DirectCast here...
Dim myTest As Test = t.GetConstructor(New Type() {GetType(Integer)}) _
    .Invoke(New Object() {anID})
  • This was my initial though, but I would prefer not to "polute" the factory's signature with parameters needed by the constructor. Mar 17, 2015 at 16:51
  • 1
    I would think that pollution is pretty common, if the factory needs more information in order to create the instance... at least more common than having a factory that doesn't actually create anything. ;-)
    – Mark
    Mar 17, 2015 at 16:58
  • @AngelosArampatzis a factory is usually there to create. If you want to return a class it'll have to be a Type.
    – the_lotus
    Mar 17, 2015 at 17:01
  • Fair enough, the class "factory" does not create anything. It is just a way of hiding the decision making process. Mar 17, 2015 at 17:05
  • 1
    Returning a Type by itself feels wrong, to me, because you can't constrain it in the method signature that it must inherit from Test. That Type could be anything, and that means you'd have to give up type safety or have a very nasty cast somewhere down the road. Probably "polluting" the method signature is the way to go. Mar 17, 2015 at 18:03

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