I am using a version of yii2 installed a few months back. Now I want it to be upgraded to the latest version.How can I know which version of Yii2 is being used and how to upgrade to the latest version of yii2?

4 Answers 4


Run ./yii command, you will get following output:


This is Yii version 2.0.8.

The following commands are available:

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29271811/1897969


In console in site folder run composer update. And composer will update you Yii2.

If you want to know which version of Yii2 you are using run Yii::getVersion().


With regard to identifying the current version, there is a function getVersion() in vendor/yiisoft/yii2/BaseYii.php. You can simply open the file and examine the return value to see the version of the codebase you are working with.


I was facing the same issue with Yii version 2.0.42, PHP 7.3 particularly while login, I found that the User class extends object class while replacing that my code works fine.

namespace app\models;
class User extends \yii\base\Object implements \yii\web\IdentityInterface

Replace with

namespace app\models;

class User extends \yii\base\BaseObject implements \yii\web\IdentityInterface
{  }

my issue resolve.

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