I have 2 columns date(primary) and user_id(unique). I want to check if the row exists if not create it, if so update the row for that day.

for example: if a user updates the database multiple times a day I only want 1 record created per day and that record to update every time the user updates the database. However if the same user(same user_id) updates the database the next day I want a new record created.

I'm using the following code:

INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)

The problem is it doesn't appear to be checking for both date AND user_id but only the user_id. How can I get it to check for both? Thanks.

1 Answer 1


I think you want a single unique index on the table. Drop your current indexes and define:

create unique index idx_table_user_date on table(user, date)

This should give you the behavior that you want -- multiple users and multiple dates in the table, but no users have the same date twice (or dates have the same user twice).

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