In my web application I have a link - "Create New User". From the jsp I am sending some request to the server like -

<div style="float:right" class="view">
 <a href="/some/url/createUserMVC.do?hasCreatePermission=${user.hasPermission['createUser']}">Create New User</a>

Here user.hasPermission[] is an array of boolean. If the current user (that is user ) has the permission(that is 'createUser') to create an new user than it returns true.

Now from my controller I am trying to get the value from the request parameter, like -


But the problem is request.getParameter() returns a String. So how can I get the boolean value from the parameter. There is no overloaded version of request.getParameter() method for boolean.

  • 2
    Why don't you use Boolean.parseBoolean()? Commented Mar 25, 2015 at 18:43

4 Answers 4


I don't think it is possible. Request is always String content. But you can do

boolean hasCreatePermission= Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("hasCreatePermission")); 

If you are sure it's a boolean you can use

boolean value = Boolean.valueOf(yourStringValue)

All parameters are translated by servelt as String. You need to convert String's value to Boolean.


To avoid manual parsing, you have to use a framework like Spring MVC or Struts.


In servlet it will accept all inputs given by users as string.So, we should parse the input after we got the inputs.


boolean flag = Boolean.parseBoolean(req.getParameter("Flag "));

I think this will be useful for you.

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