I have a simple script:
for server in $(~/.ansible/ansible_hosts)
ssh $server "hostname; readlink /opt/mydir/mylink;"
It works fine - the program returns the correct hostname and link - except that I get the following error on some but not all of the servers:
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
All the directories exist. One of the most common suggestions has been to add a cd, a cd -, or a cd /. All that happens when that step is added is an additional:
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
I tried kickstarting the nfs daemon on the off chance that there was some confusion about my homedir and substituted /etc/init.d in case the problem was with /opt. No difference
This would simply be an annoyance except that when I try to use an ansible playbook instead of a simple ssh command it fails for that server.
Any insights would appreciated.
contain a list of servers? That's an odd way to read the values if so