I'm using knockout to render a big quantity of data. (35000 record) I can't use lazyload request, passing by server, I have the data in the browser.

If I'm using observableArray in my ViewModel, the browser freezes for about 10 seconds, before showing the result of binding.

var vm = function () { 
      var ar = [];
      for (var i=0; i<35000; i++){ 
      this.SelectedElementsListData = ko.observableArray(ar);

And with this HTML binding

<div data-bind="foreach:SelectedElementsListData" class="scrolling">
     <div data-bind="text:$data"></div>
<div data-bind="event: { click: fill }">

this is a prototype of the result needed


My question is:

How can I make a generic customBinding, to make the foreach binding more sly, and apply rendering only to a partial list of ArrayItems, and using the div scrolling to render div only "onDemand", when the user scrolls the div.

  • try doing a lazy way in view model without reaching server for data on scroll (on div ). are you completely against lazy loading ? ..
    – super cool
    Apr 3, 2015 at 10:30
  • stackoverflow.com/questions/9709374/… I suppose this is a reason why ReactJS is on fire right now with it's virtual dom which seems to shine in these situations. Apr 3, 2015 at 12:07

2 Answers 2


You could try an in-place replace of the used binding handler and try https://github.com/brianmhunt/knockout-fast-foreach , but with that amount of items I don't think that'll be enough.

What you'll need is either paging or a virtualized list. The latter is that which you described in your last paragraph. With that as a search term, it should be easily enough to find a solution.


Unless there is a particular requirement that you must use a custom knockout binding, it's probably easier to use a computed observable to give you a slice of the original array:

var vm = function () {
    var source = [];

    this.scroll = function() {
        var objDiv = document.getElementById("scroll");
        objDiv.scrollTop = objDiv.scrollHeight;        

    this.visibleItems = ko.observable(50);

    this.more = function () {
        this.visibleItems(this.visibleItems() + 50);

    for (var i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {

    this.visible = ko.computed(function() {
        return source.slice(0, this.visibleItems());            


Example on JSFiddle

You could, with a small modification, use this approach to implement a paged view of your data. That would be a lot nicer in terms of memory use, as you wouldn't keep adding items in the DOM as the user keeps clicking "Show More".

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