I want to completely hide a model from a third-party module (otherapp) in admin site.

I put admin.site.unregister(ModelToHide) in one of my apps' admin (myapp), but it causes NotRegistered error on every page. The problem is that myapp.admin is loaded before otherapp.admin.

I tried to change the order INSTALLED_APPS so that otherapp comes before myapp, but it did not help, Django loads them in reverse order. I read in one of the SO comments that order of INSTALLED_APPS does not matter, as per Django book.

Actually, I created this question just to share the way I made it work for me, because it took some time to figure out the solution. Hope this helps someone.

1 Answer 1


There are two options:

  1. Put admin.site.unregister(ModelToHide) just after admin.autodiscover() in urls.py so that it runs after all models have been registered.
  2. Add an import to myapp.admin: import otherapp.admin so that it's loaded first.

Inspired by 1 and 2.

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