Here is my list:

[Volume:vol-b81a2cb0, Volume:vol-ab2b1ba3, Volume:vol-fc2c1cf4]

I want it to look like this:

['vol-b81a2cb0', 'vol-ab2b1ba3', 'vol-fc2c1cf4']

So the following should be done:

  1. The Volume: prefix must be removed from the list elements.
  2. The new elements must be enclosed in single quotes.

2 Answers 2



strList = map( str, objList)
strList = map( lambda x: x.replace( 'Volume:', ''), strList)
  • The first line turns the list of objects to a list of strings representing those objects. Now, how effective this is depends on how the object's class is defined, namely, what the .str (or .display I think) method does. The second line will indeed only work on list of strings.
    – Marek
    Apr 8, 2015 at 7:10

You could reduce @Marek code to one line:

strList = list(map(lambda x: str(x).replace('Volume:', ''), strList))

or just use list comprehension:

new_list = [str(i).replace( 'Volume:', '') for i in your_list]

Since Python 3.9 you can use removeprefix() function what will simplify your code even more:

new_list = [str(i).removeprefix('Volume:') for i in your_list]

More info about removeprefix(): PEP 616

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