I'm trying to create a postgres RDS database on AWS that's accessible to the public without the need for SSH tunnelling. This is for development only. I've created a Separate AWS VPC and assigned gateways and two subnets to it. when I created the database I set it to be public. The security group rules are

Inbound(Custom TCP Rule,TCP 5432, outbound (All traffic,All,All,

I can't seem to connect to this database with my local pgadmin.

2 Answers 2


Did you enable your VPC attributes to have DNS hostnames and DNS resolution enabled? These must be set in order for your DB instance to be publicly accessible.

  • Yep I did this, I can't set the public flag on the RDS setup without it Apr 10, 2015 at 2:01
  • 1
    Hm, I have the exact same set up as you and was able to connect to my public RDS using pgadmin. My VPC has 2 subnets, both subnets are in a network acl that has a routing table that allows all inbound. My security group only allows inbound tcp 5432 from Can you try running telnet yourrds.fdsaj4mph17.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com 5432 to verify the RDS is reachable? You should see "Connected to ec2-x-x-x.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
    – bsnchan
    Apr 10, 2015 at 3:04
  • thanks I had the subnets and ACLs set correctly but your response made me double check the settings in which I determined that I didn't have both subnets associated to the route table, once I added that it worked. Also Im familiar with the telnet trick to verify DB connections but I read somewhere that amazon AWS didn't allow Telnet connections. That was wrong I was able to verify the connection with tellnet, Very cool! thanks Apr 10, 2015 at 3:58

I verified I had at least two subnets which ACLs allowed connection to the internet but one of the subnets wasn't associated to the route, when I added it I was able to connect to it

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