In Json.NET, how do I make ALL properties required upon deserialization? I know that I can do this with attributes on the messages, but I don't want to do that. Mainly because it would require my message library to take on an external dependency.
I tried the MissingMemberHandling.Error setting, but it does the opposite of what I want. I'm okay with the JSON having extra properties. I want it to fail when any target object properties are missing in the JSON.
I'm actually deserializing to F# records, and the properties can't ordinarily be null anyway. (They can't be assigned null by normal means in code.) But Json.NET happily defaults properties to null under the covers when data is missing.
F# version of accepted answer
open System
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization
type RequireAllPropertiesContractResolver() =
inherit DefaultContractResolver()
override me.CreateObjectContract(objectType:Type) =
let contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType)
contract.ItemRequired <- new Nullable<Required>(Required.Always)
In the settings
let settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() // default settings
settings.ContractResolver <- new RequireAllPropertiesContractResolver()