I can't seem to figure out how to programmatically set a new image, via the outlet, and make it start animating.
- zeroEntering0.png
- zeroEntering1.png
- zeroEntering2.png
- zeroEntering3.png
- zeroEntering4.png
I imported the sequence of images into the Image.xcassets inside the WatchKit App
I can set the image in the interface builder to "zeroEntering" and set animating to "Yes" and it works correctly.
However, I want something more dynamic, I need a button press to choose a new animation sequence and start it off. If I try and set the image programmatically using the same name from the interface builder, the UIImage is nil.
What naming convention should I use when programmatically setting the UIImage? "zeroEntering", "zeroEntering0", "zeroEntering.png" or "zeroEntering0.png"
I tried using the two non-nil options and the image did not animate and went black.