I'm building a component which displays a series of generic input fields. The backing store uses a simple array of key-value pairs to manage the data:

{fieldkey: 'Signs and Symptoms', value:'fever, rash'},
{fieldkey: 'NotFeelingWell', value:'false'},
{fieldkey: 'ReAdmission', value:'true'},
{fieldkey: 'DateOfEvent', value:'12/31/1999'}

In order to eliminate a lot of boilerplate code related to data binding, the component uses these same keys when generating the HTML markup (see 'data-fieldname' attribute).

var Fields = React.createClass({


    Actions.updateField( {key:e.target.attributes['data-fieldname'].value, value:e.target.value})
    var ref = //get a reference to the DOM element that triggered this call
    ref.value = this.props.form.fields[ref.attributes['data-fieldname']]


 return (<div className="row">
  <Input  data-fieldname="Signs and Symptoms" type="text" label='Notes' defaultValue="Enter text" onChange={this.handleOnChange} value={this.setValue()} />
  <Input  data-fieldname="NotFeelingWell"  type="checkbox" label="Not Feeling Well" onChange={this.handleOnChange} value={this.setValue()}  />
  <Input  data-fieldname="ReAdmission"  type="checkbox" label="Not Feeling Great" onChange={this.handleOnChange} value={this.setValue()} />
  <Input  data-fieldname="DateOfEvent"  type="text" label="Date Of Event"  onChange={this.handleOnChange} value={this.setValue()} />



My goal is to use the same two functions for writing/reading from the store for all inputs and without code duplication (i.e. I don't want to add a refs declaration to each input that duplicates the key already stored in 'data-fieldname') Things work swimmingly on the callback attached to the 'onChange' event. However, I'm unsure how to get a reference to the DOM node in question in the setValue function.

Thanks in advance

  • At the moment this.setValue() is executed, the component/element that is associated with that call doesn't even exist yet. Apr 16, 2015 at 18:20
  • Point well taken. Can you suggest an alternative approach that avoids key duplication?
    – Mitch A
    Apr 16, 2015 at 18:37
  • 1
    Store the information as an array of objects (for example) and generate the elements dynamically? Apr 16, 2015 at 18:53

2 Answers 2


I'm not sure if I understand your question right, but to reduce boilerplate I would map your array to generate input fields:

 var inputs = [];
     inputs.push(<Input  data-fieldname={elem.fieldkey}  type="text" label="Date Of Event"  onChange={this.handleOnChange} value={elem.value} />);

 return (<div className="row">


This will always display your data in props. So when handleOnChange gets triggered the component will rerender with the new value. In my opinion this way is better than accessing a DOM node directly.

  • Great and thank you! Such a simple and obvious solution, embarrassed I didn't see it.
    – Mitch A
    Apr 16, 2015 at 20:37

If you want to use dynamic information on the input, you need to pass it through the array, and make a loop.

Here is a little example based on Dustin code:

var fieldArray = [ //replace by this.props.form.fields
        fieldkey: 'Signs and Symptoms', 
        value: 'fever, rash', 
        type: 'text', 
        label: 'Notes'
        fieldkey: 'NotFeelingWell', 
        value: 'false',
        type: 'checkbox', 
        label: 'Not Feeling Well'

var Fields = React.createClass({

        var fieldKey = e.target.attributes['data-fieldname'].value;

            key: fieldKey, 
            value: e.target.value

    render() {
        var inputs = [];

        fieldArray.map(function(field) { //replace by this.props.form.fields
                onChange={this.handleOnChange} />

        return (
            <div className="row">

  • Awarded Dustin the answer as he was first, but I upvoted yours.
    – Mitch A
    Apr 18, 2015 at 2:25

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