Not quite sure what I should do at this point..I am utilizing a regular expression to capture JSON within the HTML on a website. I've initialized a for loop to go through everyline in the array to find {"page_cur":
I've attempted to push it to an array with the following code.
The result was the entire sites source code. What am I doing wrong?
require 'mechanize'
require 'json'
mechanize =
url = mechanize.get('')
page =
page = url.body.split(/\n/)
json_text =
#look through every line of code
for line in page
#find {"page_cur":
next unless line =~ /^\s*\{"page_cur":/
#delete </script> tag on the last line
line.sub! /<.script>/, ''
#push into array?
to capture if
means skip the line if it matches this pattern which is currently from the start of a string with an indeterminate amount of spaces then\{"page_cur":
next unless
after I saw your comment and changed the operator from==
Thank you all for the help.