I am working on a cookbook window application in WPF which consist of one window and several userControls that are replacing each other with relayCommands using messages from MVVM Light.
The application works with a DB that is generated from the entityFramework. The problem that occurs after all but the first execution of the file is that the program shows many warings and errors such as this one:
Warning 1 Could not copy "...\cookbook\Cookbook.Services\Database1.mdf" to "bin\Debug\Database1.mdf". Beginning retry 1 in 1000ms. The process cannot access the file '...\cookbook\Cookbook.Services\Database1.mdf' because it is being used by another process. Cookbook.Services
In the ViewModelLocator I have this:
public ViewModelLocator()
ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);
And also messages I am using to switch the userControls are creating new instances of ViewModels, such as:
BackToMainCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
Messenger.Default.Send<ViewModelBase>(new MainViewModel());
() => true);
I have toyed with the ViewModels to make them singleton to make sure there are only single copies in the system, but SimpleIoc needs public constructors for registering. And also I don't know if that would even help my problem. Also what I didn't tell you is that the ViewModelLocator is used only in xaml so I don't even have its instance to clean the stuff. (I am probably using it wrong but I don't know how it should be used)
The problem is that I don't know how and where to clean all the ViewModels since they are beying created on many places I've mentioned and some of them are probably holding the *.mdf file.