Say I have a parent class Shape and two children class class Square and class Circle.

At some point in my code I do something like :

Shape* genericshape;
    genericshape = new Square;
} else {
    genericshape = new Cricle;

And later I would like to create another Circle or Square but I don't want to call a_time_consuming_test(). So can I use typeid or some equivalent to directly create the "right" shape ? Something like :

if(typeid(genericshape) == typeid(Square)){
    Square newsquare;
} else {
    Circle newcircle;

I guess that there should be a solution of that kind but this doesn't seem to be efficient because the day I have a third shape, like Triangle, I would need to check for each children of Shape. Would something like this be possible ?

Shape* newshape(&genericshape);

I mean, would newshape be a pointer on the same child class as genericshape?


Looking at one of the answers, I should have specified that Shape, Square and Circle are actually template class.

  • I've too many solutions in my mind, but without knowing how exactly it is going to be used, I cannot say which solution would really be suitable for your case. You can try enum shape_type { circle, square, traingle, etc}; then save the type of your object in a variable of type shape_type, which you can later use. That is one way of doing it; other is, store a map of type_info and factory function, then use it. Apr 20, 2015 at 15:20
  • 3
    Sounds like you want a virtual constructor. Apr 20, 2015 at 15:20
  • 3
    I think you want a new object of the same type. Maybe have a virtual method Shape *Clone() or Shape *newShapeOfSameKind()in the base class which is overriden by derived classes so that it always creates an object of the proper type when called for a Shape * (which may point to a Square, Triangle or Circle). Apr 20, 2015 at 15:21

2 Answers 2


I believe that what you're looking for is a simple cloning functionality, with the slight twist that it will not clone the data, only the type. So you could add something like this to Shape:

struct Shape
  virtual std::unique_ptr<Shape> createEmptyObject() const = 0;

  // The rest as before

struct Circle
  std::unique_ptr<Shape> createEmptyObject() const override
  { return std::make_unique<Circle>(/*ctor args here*/); }

  // The rest as before

And then use it like this:

Shape* genericshape;
    genericshape = new Square;
} else {
    genericshape = new Cricle;
// ...
auto anotherShape = genericshape->createEmptyObject();

Note: if you don't have access to C++14, you will have to replace make_unique with a manually constructed unique_ptr:

return std::unique_ptr<Shape>(new Circle(/*ctor args here*/));
  • This look nice, but would it be possible to use that solution with template class?
    – PinkFloyd
    Apr 20, 2015 at 15:30
  • @PinkFloyd Why not? It depends on how the template's parameters are used, of course. If you want a more accurate answer, provide a more accurate description in the question. Apr 20, 2015 at 15:30
  • If I'm not wrong, template and virtual are not really good friend... it is not possible to have a template virtual method ? or am I wrong ?
    – PinkFloyd
    Apr 20, 2015 at 15:32
  • @PinkFloyd You cannot have a virtual member function template, but a class template can have virtual member functions just fine. Apr 20, 2015 at 15:33
  • @PinkFloyd Added in C++11, very useful feature. You should read up on C++11, it has really improved the language. Apr 20, 2015 at 15:34

If you're ready to edit the following typelist, everytime you a add new shape:

using shapes = typelist<circle, rectangle>;

then I think the following solution should work (explained step-by-step):

shape* create(shape const * s)
    return create_impl(shapes(), s);

where create_impl and other supports are defined as:

template<typename T, typename ... Ts>
struct typelist{};

using shapes = typelist<circle, rectangle>;

template<typename T, typename ...Rest>
shape* create_impl(typelist<T, Rest...>, shape const *s)
     if ( typeid(T) == typeid(*s) )
        return new T();
        return create_impl(typelist<Rest...>(), s);

template<typename T>
shape* create_impl(typelist<T>, shape const *s)
     return typeid(T) == typeid(*s)? new T() : nullptr;


Later if you add a new shape,say triangle, then just add it to the typelist:

using shapes = typelist<circle, rectangle, triangle>;

then everything should work again. No other code change.

And of course, you should use smart pointer instead of raw pointer, but I guess that is a small modification in the above code. The basic idea will remain same.

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