You will get this error if your class satisfies these conditions.
- Subclassed from
- Has a
static let
- Accesses the field from an instance method via
I don't know why this happens, but you can try this workaround.
static var value: Int {
get {
return 111
Or in shorter form.
static var value: Int {
return 111
Use static var { get }
instead of static let
Though property getter and its calling cost is very likely to be eliminated by LLVM optimiser in above example, you might want to avoid it explicitly.
If you're concerned about such value calculation cost, you can create it once and cache like this.
static var value: Int {
return cache
private let cache = getTheNumber()
Or like this if you want to hide the existence of cache completely.
static var value: Int {
struct Local {
static let cache = getTheNumber()
return Local.cache
func test2
declaration is not needed to trigger the error, as of Xcode 7.3.1.