I have an OpenXava web application. By default, it loads the last module I have opened as initial page. I need to change that behavior making the initial page some custom JSP page.

I have set AutoLogin in naviox-users.properties and tried to change the initial page into Modules.java as follows:

private static void createFirstStepsModule(String applicationName) {
    MetaApplication app = MetaApplications.getMetaApplication(applicationName);
    MetaModule firstStepsModule = new MetaModule();
    firstStepsModule.setWebViewURL("/naviox/myPage.jsp"); //My page goes here...

However, OpenXava is still openning the last module page. Does anyone know how to properly set the initial OpenXava page to a custom JSP page?

I am using OpenXava 5.2.1.

1 Answer 1


Modify index.jsp to forward your initial page.

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