I know that the integer values 0 and -0 are essentially the same. But, I am wondering if it is possible to differentiate between them.

For example, how do I know if a variable was assigned -0?

bool IsNegative(int num)
    // How ?

int num = -0;
int additinon = 5;

num += (IsNegative(num)) ? -addition : addition;

Is the value -0 saved in the memory the exact same way as 0?

  • 9
    For integers, there's no difference.
    – Maroun
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 8:25
  • 15
    This depends on the implementation, but for implementations where int is represented in 2's complement (by far the most commonly encountered), 0 and -0 have identical bitwise representations.
    – Mankarse
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 8:25
  • 11
    On a 2's complement machine there's no difference at bit-level.
    – Marco A.
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 8:26
  • 18
    @VirtualSnake: What does "in binary" mean? There are, in fact, binary encodings for which there is a distinction between -0 and 0. Sign and magnitude, for example. Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 8:28
  • 8
    @VirtualSnake That's right, we're talking about int. See Ones' complement encoding.
    – CiaPan
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 9:29

7 Answers 7


It depends on the machine you're targeting.

On a machine that uses a 2's complement representation for integers there's no difference at bit-level between 0 and -0 (they have the same representation)

If your machine used one's complement, you definitely could

0000 0000   -> signed   0 
1111 1111   -> signed   −0

Obviously we're talking about using native support, x86 series processors have native support for the two's complement representation of signed numbers. Using other representations is definitely possible but would probably be less efficient and require more instructions.

(As JerryCoffin also noted: even if one's complement has been considered mostly for historical reasons, signed magnitude representations are still fairly common and do have a separate representation for negative and positive zero)

  • 6
    @TobiMcNamobi: Not likely enough to ever be concerned about. I'd be surprised if anybody has ever bothered to port a C++ compiler to produce output for such a machine. Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 8:47
  • 1
    I agree with Benjamin, historically there have been machines using it, but nowadays I don't happen to know production machines which use it. Nevertheless it is always good to know and to keep in mind.
    – Marco A.
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 8:48
  • 4
    @TobiMcNamobi one's complement is still in use in the UNISYS 2200 system stackoverflow.com/a/12277974/995714 stackoverflow.com/q/6971886/995714
    – phuclv
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 9:12
  • 2
    I've never looked at the one's complement requirements -- does the standard actually guarantee that 0 and -0 are different? I honestly would have expected it to behave more like allowing two bit representations of the same value, and your program can use whichever one it feels like.
    – user1084944
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 12:36
  • 8
    @Hurkly: no, even if a negative zero representation exists, the standard doesn't guarantee that assignment or initialization using the expression -0, that is to say the result of applying the unary - operator to the integer constant 0, is a negative zero representation. Regardless of representation, the standard never says 0 and -0 are mathematically different values, only that there might be a negative-zero bit pattern. If there is, it still represents the same numeric value, 0. Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 12:49

For an int (in the almost-universal "2's complement" representation) the representations of 0 and -0 are the same. (They can be different for other number representations, eg. IEEE 754 floating point.)

  • 10
    >> Assuming a 2's complement representation
    – Marco A.
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 8:27

Let's begin with representing 0 in 2's complement (of course there exist many other systems and representations, here I'm referring this specific one), assuming 8-bit, zero is:

0000 0000

Now let's flip all the bits and add 1 to get the 2's complement:

1111 1111 (flip)
0000 0001 (add one)
0000 0000

we got 0000 0000, and that's the representation of -0 as well.

But note that in 1's complement, signed 0 is 0000 0000, but -0 is 1111 1111.

  • 2
    Can I know why the downvotes in order to improve my answer please?
    – Maroun
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 19:40
  • 1
    While most of the other answers are technically correct, your answer is practical, and provides an implementation. Good.
    – umlcat
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 15:18

I've decided to leave this answer up since C and C++ implementations are usually closely related, but in fact it doesn't defer to the C standard as I thought it did. The point remains that the C++ standard does not specify what happens for cases like these. It's also relevant that non-twos-complement representations are exceedingly rare in the real world, and that even where they do exist they often hide the difference in many cases rather than exposing it as something someone could easily expect to discover.

The behavior of negative zeros in the integer representations in which they exist is not as rigorously defined in the C++ standard as it is in the C standard. It does, however, cite the C standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999) as a normative reference at the top level [1.2].

In the C standard [], a negative zero can only be the result of bitwise operations, or operations where a negative zero is already present (for example, multiplying or dividing negative zero by a value, or adding a negative zero to zero) - applying the unary minus operator to a value of a normal zero, as in your example, is therefore guaranteed to result in a normal zero.

Even in the cases that can generate a negative zero, there is no guarantee that they will, even on a system that does support negative zero:

It is unspecified whether these cases actually generate a negative zero or a normal zero, and whether a negative zero becomes a normal zero when stored in an object.

Therefore, we can conclude: no, there is no reliable way to detect this case. Even if not for the fact that non-twos-complement representations are very uncommon in modern computer systems.

The C++ standard, for its part, makes no mention of the term "negative zero", and has very little discussion of the details of signed magnitude and one's complement representations, except to note [3.9.1 para 7] that they are allowed.

  • In general no, the fact that something is true/required in C doesn't necessarily mean it's true/required in C++. The fact that C is a normative reference means that C++ refers to the C standard for various things (mainly the contents of standard headers), but the definition of integer types isn't one of those things. However, the absence of a guaranteed way to produce a negative zero means that what you conclude is still true, there's no sure way to generate one using arithmetic even if the representation exists. Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 23:39
  • Then why does the C++ standard go into so much less detail on things like this?
    – Random832
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 23:39
  • 1
    Personal taste, I think, if the number of people voting on the C++ standard can be considered "personal" :-) If it was going to defer to the C standard for the definitions, though, then it could do a proper job of it and contain no detail, as it does in some other cases. Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 23:40
  • Does "C++ is a general purpose programming language based on the C programming language as described in ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Programming languages — C (hereinafter referred to as the C standard)." [1.1 para 2] have any normative meaning? I thought that that was intended to generally incorporate the C standard for anything not specifically overridden by the C++ standard.
    – Random832
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 23:42
  • @Random832 No. It's just a historical note (there's, for instance, no _Bool or _Complex or designated initializers or compound literals in C++). The C++ standard knows how to incorporate the C standard when it wants to - e.g., [basic.fundamental]/p3: "The signed and unsigned integer types shall satisfy the constraints given in the C standard, section"
    – T.C.
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 6:15

If your machine has distinct representations for -0 and +0, then memcmp will be able to distinguish them.

If padding bits are present, there might actually be multiple representations for values other than zero as well.


In the C++ language specification, there is no such int as negative zero.

The only meaning those two words have is the unary operator - applied to 0, just as three plus five is just the binary operator + applied to 3 and 5.

If there were a distinct negative zero, two's complement (the most common representation of integers types) would be an insufficient representation for C++ implementations, as there is no way to represent two forms of zero.

In contrast, floating points (following IEEE) have separate positive and negative zeroes. They can be distinguished, for example, when dividing 1 by them. Positive zero produces positive infinity; negative zero produces negative infinity.

However, if there happen to be different memory representations of the int 0 (or any int, or any other value of any other type), you can use memcmp to discover that:

#include <string>

int main() {
    int a = ...
    int b = ...
    if (memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(int))) {
        // a and b have different representations in memory

Of course, if this did happen, outside of direct memory operations, the two values would still work in exactly the same way.

  • 3
    Actually, the language not mandating its existence does not mean it mandates its absence. Hint: It mandates neither. Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 19:54
  • 2
    @Deduplicator, sort of. By "in the C++ language", I mean, "in the C++ language specification". Since there is no mention of froobinators in the spec either, I could say "C++ does not have froobinators" without too much ambiguity. I thought that was clear, but I will improve it. Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 20:36
  • 1
    The language spec does not mention unicorns either. Commented May 5, 2015 at 23:26

To simplify i found it easier to visualize.

Type int(_32) is stored with 32 bits. 32 bits means 2^32 = 4294967296 unique values. Thus :

unsigned int data range is 0 to 4,294,967,295

In case of negative values it depends on how they are stored. In case

In case of One's complement value -0 exists.

  • 2
    I haven't downvoted but the platforms for which int is not stored in 32 bits are more popular then platforms with one's complement nowadays. Commented May 1, 2015 at 5:07

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