I'm using bootstrap grid to display and i want that my client download it in pdf so for that i'm using dompdf but dompdf is not able to apply bootstrap style. I cannot go back and turn my bootstrap grid to basic html tables and using different plugin to convert to pdf i found them difficult and time consuming(especially in installing composer and then updating i'm new ) is there any way out so that i can easily apply bootstrap style to my pdf

   $pr_dt=$_POST['hid'];//div elements which i want ot convert them to pdf and also contain bootstap lib link
   $dompdf =  new DOMPDF();

or at least is there any online converter for bootstrap grid to html tables

  • dompdf's CSS support is still a little lacking for something as complex as Bootstrap. You can get a basic design working, but more complicated designs are not likely to produce the desired results. If you provide a sample of the HTML we can try to tweak the CSS to get better results.
    – BrianS
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 21:18
  • What you probably want is a headless browser, like PhantomJS. It does require installation on the server, but since it's based on webkit it produces results as good as any modern web browser.
    – BrianS
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 21:20
  • sorry but i don't access to my webserver for installation i can only upload my files when its done
    – MayuriS
    Commented May 2, 2015 at 5:48

8 Answers 8


Put All CSS codes in same page . Do not refer CSS to external link .

Work with inline tags like margin ,padding ,top and etc.

  • Yeah....This is basically the solution that helps your users download pdf faster
    – jovialcore
    Commented Jan 29, 2022 at 7:47

You need to make sure dompdf can find your CSS files. You can do this with set_base_path, for example:


You also need a to specify the CSS file, something like:

    <link type="text/css" href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  • now i'm getting Cannot find Font class fontmetrics_cls.php on lin 346
    – MayuriS
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 11:52
  • Make sure your dompdf is setup correctly. Check your setup.php and it should tell you what's wrong, for example: pxd.me/dompdf/www/setup.php
    – alan0xd7
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 12:15
  • DOMPDF_PDF_BACKEND is CPDF should i change this
    – MayuriS
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 12:26

I faced the same challenge and solved it by: Add the bootstrap.min.css code at the tag at the top of the page. N.B bootstrap 3 works best.

enter image description here


Include before the html code:

        $html = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/bootstrap.min.css" />';

You can use the Bootstrap v3.3.6, it is working with DomPDF,
I have tested


'in response to the now i'm getting Cannot find Font class fontmetrics_cls.php on line 346'

This happens as you need to add Dompdf to your applications config to include modules. In zf2 its application.config.php in the modules section I hope that helps as I went hours looking for that without any documentation.

$content .= '<style>

Add this into your html code.. it will print the raw css into the html code


check this. if you ned bootstrap in multi projects ,create a file php with this.

     echo '
               todo el codigo de bootstrap

and in your code add a include 'bootstrap.php';

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