After much searching and following bread crumbs, it appears that to add a NON ASP.NET assembly as a reference to a ASP.Net project (not in the same solution), one must use DNU WRAP.

I attempted to do so by doing a CD to the solution directory and entering the following line

dnu -v wrap --configuration release -i code/access/access.csproj

The response tells me that I am missing NuGet packages and to 'enable NuGet Package Restore'. I had (and rechecked) already done so.

Searching the internet for 'dnu wrap' returned 2 hits on GitHub with the more interesting one being a side discussion of dnu wrap needing a global.json at the solution level. However, my one ASP.Net solution does NOT have a global.json file.

My questions are 1) what are the steps required to get dnu wrap to work correctly on a Windows system with VS 2015 RC installed? 2) under what conditions must the dnu wrap be redone?


1 Answer 1


I finally figured out the process. It has changed over the past 10 months since I started on the journey.

See my answer to my question on how to wrap a dll for reference in a asp.net project for a lengthy response.

  • Correct action in that case: close/dup this question.
    – Mogsdad
    Commented Mar 10, 2016 at 3:11

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