I have a .csv file where column 8 (named filepath) contains the file location of a file I would like to copy to my home folder in Linux. Now I would like to loop over this column and use the cp function to copy the file to a folder in my home. I tried to do the following:

while read filepath
    for filepath in $filepath
        cp $filepath /home/files
done < files.csv

This however does not seem to work. When I replaced the 'cp'in the for loop with an echo statement, it did not print out the file location, but the whole line of the file.

Thank you for your help,

  • What does your input data look like? Can you edit to show us a few lines?
    – Tom Fenech
    May 4, 2015 at 14:44

2 Answers 2


If it is a csv, then every field is separated by a comma (by default), and you can use cut to select the one you need.

cut -d, -f8 files.csv | xargs -i cp {} /home/files/
  • thanks! this worked out fine! I did not think of the cut function
    – philipovic
    May 4, 2015 at 15:05
  • 2
    If you have a version of cp that supports the -t/--target-directory switch, you can do this: cut -d, -f8 files.csv | xargs cp -t /home/files - the advantage of this approach being cp will be invoked the minimum number of times, rather than once per file.
    – Tom Fenech
    May 4, 2015 at 15:21

You can read your CSV file line by line into a BASH array and use 8th element from array:


while read -ra cols
    cp "${cols[7]}" /home/files
done < files.csv

If csv file is comma delimited then use:

while IFS=, read -ra cols
    cp "${cols[7]}" /home/files
done < files.csv
  • 1
    this also did the job and is a nice alternative of the right answer I chose
    – philipovic
    May 4, 2015 at 15:06

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