I am trying to do calculations and append variables to sublists in python using this loop:

for latLong in latLongList[:-1]:
    distance = findDistance(latLong[0], latLong[1], usrLocation[0], usrLocation[1])

It is working perfectly except, it doesn't perform the operations on the last sub list and I am confused on why this is. I know I have to modify my loop definition to include that last element but I am unsure how. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • 5
    You're specifically removing last element with latLongList[:-1]. Just use latLongList.
    – utdemir
    May 4, 2015 at 18:04
  • 6
    Are you trying to reverse latLongList? That's latLongList[::-1] you're removing the last entry. May 4, 2015 at 18:05

2 Answers 2


If you want the last element included, loop till the last element:

for latLong in latLongList:
    distance = findDistance(latLong[0], latLong[1], usrLocation[0], usrLocation[1])

You do not require a slice of the list, simply iterate through the entire list. Ah, while writing this it seems @Daniel has answered the question quite well. Good luck!

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