I wish to make a new table with some data from the old, but also with new empty columns I can edit.

I would start with:

CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT ID, title, summary FROM old_table;

and then alter the table with new columns:

ALTER TABLE new_table ADD note datatype;

But I need my new empty column to be between title & summary, and not 'in the end' as ALTER gives me.

I would like to combine CREATE TABLE and CREATE TABLE AS SELECT - but is that possible?

  • Columns do not have an order. It is meaningless to say that the new columns are "between" title & summary. Commented May 5, 2015 at 14:57
  • Why does the column ordinal matter? The order of the columns is irrelevant in SQL. But to answer your underlying question, just do a CREATE TABLE first, then populate it.
    – Siyual
    Commented May 5, 2015 at 14:57
  • This sounds like a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/5327545/…
    – Mattgb
    Commented May 5, 2015 at 14:59
  • Just a point in light of "columns do not have an order". .. their order can matter in some side cases - in general it's probably not going to make a lot of difference, but it can: stackoverflow.com/questions/894522/…
    – Ditto
    Commented May 5, 2015 at 15:04
  • The order is important, because we can't manually edit the content if we do a view or a query (we're using Valentina Studio), and we need to do a content analysis where we write memos and content-codes inside the data. I know there must be other ways around this - but we're running out of time for our thesis. Commented May 5, 2015 at 15:08

1 Answer 1


What about: CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT ID, title, '' AS note, summary FROM old_table;

If you wanted to have a specific datatype, you could try CAST. For example, CAST(1 as INTEGER) AS note

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