I'd like to change the resolution of my monitor, connected via HDMI from a Banana Pro.

I get a list of available monitor resolutions by the following command:

cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes

and then pick one of them that I want to use, say:


(1280x720p, 50 Hz refresh rate)

I've edited the /etc/rc.local file to include

echo D:1280x720p-50 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode

Saved the file, rebooted - no change from the default resolution.

1 Answer 1


I figured this out with a bit of tinkering.

Remove the SD card with the linux image on it, and stick it into a computer that can read it.

Open up the uEnv.txt file to edit it.

Change this


to this


The EDID argument tells the kernel to try and use the monitor's settings to determine a resolution. Removing it forces your selected resolution to be used.

For some reason, this defaulted to a really low resolution for my screen with the Banana Pro.

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