For some time I've been sending chat messages to users from certain ecommerce groups in facebook. I did this using the program sendxmpp. It worked fine until now. No error or warning is shown when I execute the program, but the message aren't send, except if I send a message to myself, then It does works.

echo 'Hola Solo Estilo Peluqueria!, somos programadores independientes de La Plata y estamos lanzando una nueva aplicacion para Android, para facilitar el comercio 
online dentro de la ciudad de manera segura e inteligente. Nuestra aplicacion, Lunula, te va a permitir vender y comprar lo que quieras en la ciudad 
de forma segura. Nos interesamos en vos porque vimos el anuncio que publicaste ("necesito lava cabeza para peluqeria! tienen?") en "Compra y venta la plata." y pensamos que por ahi te gustaría publicar ese mismo 
articulo en Lunula. Descargatela de acá http://lunula.co/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=messaging&utm_campaign=lunula o buscala en el Google 
Playstore como "Lunula", es completamente gratuita!' | sendxmpp -v -t [email protected]
sendxmpp: config: 'password' => 'PASSWORD'
sendxmpp: config: 'jserver' => 'chat.facebook.com'
sendxmpp: config: 'component' => 'chat.facebook.com'
sendxmpp: config: 'port' => '0'
sendxmpp: config: 'username' => 'ID'
sendxmpp: ssl_verify: 1
sendxmpp: tls_ca_path: 
Use of uninitialized value within @_ in lc at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/Stream/Parser.pm line 71.
Use of uninitialized value within @_ in lc at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/Stream/Parser.pm line 71.
sendxmpp: Connect: 1
Use of uninitialized value within @_ in lc at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/Stream/Parser.pm line 71.
sendxmpp: AuthSend: ok
sendxmpp: MessageSend
sendxmpp: Disconnect

This means that I got banned from the facebook chat, or is something else?

  • 1
    The Chat API has been removed. There is no way API for chatting
    – WizKid
    May 5, 2015 at 15:57
  • 1
    The chat API was removed yesterday? Because until then, It went working just fine.
    – 4gus71n
    May 5, 2015 at 15:58
  • Also, I don't think that is removed because even now, I can send xmpp messages to myself.
    – 4gus71n
    May 5, 2015 at 15:58
  • one of your apps may still be v1.0 then. but it will definitely upgrade to v2.0 in the next days, and then...well, see tobis answer.
    – andyrandy
    May 5, 2015 at 16:17
  • The chat API was removed in API v2.0. Starting at 4/30/2015 we started forcing app into API v2.0. Over the next few weeks we will force all apps into v2.0 and after that no app can use the Chat API
    – WizKid
    May 5, 2015 at 16:29

1 Answer 1


Have a look at

The Chat/XMPP service and API was deprecated along with Graph API v1.0 on April 30, 2015.

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